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I got it.. just have to set @file_error = '' at the end of the Readnext loop. Thanks for the help!
Affirmative.. it Readnexts and Reads through the entire list and displays FS111 at the end.
Well the FS111 is back. I changed the select to a resolved RList select and even saved the list. After doing an Activate_Save_Select, I loop through the records but still get the FS111 message at the end. This is part of a larger process that is …
Won't there be a lot of overhead with resolving the select? The table in question has over 3 million records
Here is the error msg:
So I need to call RList?
In Arev, it was possible to edit a MESSAGES record and make it invisible or basically disabled. Is that possible in OI if there are no other options? Where are the system message text records stored?
Just selecting the file variable
Affirmative.. There are 2 OI processes running on the station with no user interaction Should I try to run them off of one OpenEngine, or does it matter?
Thanks Jared.. Got it covered:)
Thanks Jared.. Much appreciated!
Thanks for the input, guys The shortcut is right.. both the Target path and the Starts In path. And the Revparam points to the right server. The weird thing is, when I log into the original system, I get all the latest code, forms, etc. But afte…
Evidently there are no group policies on the network. Where/how else might folder redirection be activated?
I'll look into that.. Thanks!
In this case, the original install is on a server \\itsvmappXX\Revelation\System. I've tried creating the Appbackup on another server, on c:\michael\backup, and even over RDP on my local C: drive. Again, everything is visible and accessible from t…
Thank you sir!
Do you think it would be reliable to check @Window? If I check it from Arev32, it's null. From OI it should always have a value. True?
Do functions like CopyOSFile and RTI_OS_Directory work if the calling code is evoked within Arev32?
So if I put the code in OI and there is an error condition, I need to put up an error msg. If I call from Arev32 I would use the Arev MSG function or the CTO_MSG function (I would prefer CTO_MSG). If it's called from OI, I'd need the OI MSG functi…
So I would need to move the routine into OI and call from Arev using CTO_GUI_SUBROUTINE? I'm doing that already extensively; it would be nice to not have to do it Everywhere. Thanks for your time and attention, sir..
I don't think I'm explaining this well.. Arev32 is already running, and it has launched an OI form. I need to call an Arev-based routine from the Save event on the OI form. There are no Arev-specific things that run in the routine; it's just code…
I think it's a different issue. I got the Rev Forms working from within Arev32. In this case, I have an OI promoted event process associated with an OI form from which I need to call an Arev routine. The calling process is in Sysprocs, of course;…
Typo.. I had the 2 parameters reversed. Lo siento!
I had built a VOC in Arev32 named FORMTEST that was like this: TCL PDISK dosfile GETLIST listname FORM formtable formid datatable PDISK PRN In OI, I called Start_Window('AREV32_STANDALONE_FORM', 'FORMLIST', @window,'','') . It did indeed call th…
Thanks Don.. I have a workaround now. Within OI, I create a LOGON VOC item that will run the FORM processor and log out. Lo and behold, Arev32 can use the old RevG forms! When I call Arev_Standalone_Form, it calls the VOC item, prints the form le…
Interesting.. I know how to call OI functions from within Arev32, and Arev32 does run on top of OI, but I can't call Arev stuff from within OI. Is there a good way around this? My client has Hundreds of these Rev form reports. I guess one option…
Tried it.. I got a message that the command can only be run from Arev32. FORM calls V115. Any way I can call that directly from OI?
So if I was running from Arev32, the TCL command would be "FORM formtable recordid datatable". I just call Start_Window with the TCL command as the CreateParam?
Does the SRP Popup tool allow for manually entering a line/row #, perchance?