D:\_NEW_CHRIS_STUFF\Oinsight09>REM Don't forget to stop the OEngineServer Service and start it when finished. D:\_NEW_CHRIS_STUFF\Oinsight09>REM Kill any previous sessions D:\_NEW_CHRIS_STUFF\Oinsight09>taskkill /fi "WINDOWTITLE eq OEngineServer" SUCCESS: Sent termination signal to the process with PID 4240. D:\_NEW_CHRIS_STUFF\Oinsight09>REM Delay a few seconds for the kill to finish D:\_NEW_CHRIS_STUFF\Oinsight09>ping localhost Pinging Barry-NewPC [::1] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from ::1: time<1ms Reply from ::1: time<1ms Reply from ::1: time<1ms Reply from ::1: time<1ms Ping statistics for ::1: Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms D:\_NEW_CHRIS_STUFF\Oinsight09>REM Set the title of this window so we can find it. This should be unique. D:\_NEW_CHRIS_STUFF\Oinsight09>TITLE OEngineServer D:\_NEW_CHRIS_STUFF\Oinsight09>REM D:\_NEW_CHRIS_STUFF\Oinsight09>REM Get the date and time D:\_NEW_CHRIS_STUFF\Oinsight09>REM D:\_NEW_CHRIS_STUFF\Oinsight09>For /F "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %a in ('date /t') do (set mydate=%c-%a-%b ) D:\_NEW_CHRIS_STUFF\Oinsight09>(set mydate=2022-10-08 ) D:\_NEW_CHRIS_STUFF\Oinsight09>For /F "tokens=1-2 delims=/:" %a in ('time /t') do (set mytime=%a%b ) D:\_NEW_CHRIS_STUFF\Oinsight09>(set mytime=1108 AM ) D:\_NEW_CHRIS_STUFF\Oinsight09>CD /C D:\_NEW_CHRIS_STUFF\Oinsight09 The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. D:\_NEW_CHRIS_STUFF\Oinsight09>REM #Java -jar OESocketServer.jar -l eserver.cfg -d 3 > "oesocketserver_debug_test_2022-10-08_1108 AM.txt" D:\_NEW_CHRIS_STUFF\Oinsight09>REM Java -jar OESocketServer.jar -l eserver.cfg -d 3 D:\_NEW_CHRIS_STUFF\Oinsight09>.\Java32\bin\java.exe -jar oesocketserver.jar -d 3 Version: - Licensed for use to CN=Revelation Software Started at 2022-08-10 11:09:00 2022-08-10 11:09:00:510 - EngineServer started on port 8088 2022-08-10 11:09:01:002 - WebServer starting on port 8888 Originally received request: *1☺PBC☺☺PBC☺2☺☺HTTP_MCP☺1☺1☺☺0☺* In state *0*, asked to execute command *1*, *11* parameters In LOGGED OUT state In SetProperties, mode is *2* thisSetting[1] is now *PBC* thisSetting[2] is now ** thisSetting[3] is now *PBC* thisSetting[4] is now *2* thisSetting[5] is now ** thisSetting[6] is now *HTTP_MCP* thisSetting[7] is now *1* thisSetting[8] is now *1* Originally received request: *1☺PBC☺☺PBC☺2☺☺HTTP_MCP☺1☺1☺☺0☺* thisSetting[9] is now ** In state *0*, asked to execute command *1*, *11* parameters thisSetting[10] is now *0* In LOGGED OUT state Connecting to engine, servername is **, application is *PBC*, user is *PBC*, procedure is *HTTP_MCP* In SetProperties, mode is *2* in EngineFactory: Checkout, bAlwaysCreate is *false*, bCheckZombies is *false* thisSetting[1] is now *PBC* looking for available engine, key is *PBC☺1☺1☺PBC☺☺☺☺0* thisSetting[2] is now ** have 0 available engines thisSetting[3] is now *PBC* Creating new engine thisSetting[4] is now *2* thisSetting[5] is now ** Using default home dir thisSetting[6] is now *HTTP_MCP* Switching to directory *D:\_NEW_CHRIS_STUFF\Oinsight09\* thisSetting[7] is now *1* About to create engine, servername *\\.\L_8088_174169097114100*, appName: *PBC*, createFlags: *1*, shutdownFlags: *1* thisSetting[8] is now *1* thisSetting[9] is now ** thisSetting[10] is now *0* Connecting to engine, servername is **, application is *PBC*, user is *PBC*, procedure is *HTTP_MCP* in EngineFactory: Checkout, bAlwaysCreate is *false*, bCheckZombies is *false* looking for available engine, key is *PBC☺1☺1☺PBC☺☺☺☺0* have 0 available engines Creating new engine Using default home dir Switching to directory *D:\_NEW_CHRIS_STUFF\Oinsight09\* About to create engine, servername *\\.\L_8088_174169108274500*, appName: *PBC*, createFlags: *1*, shutdownFlags: *1* About to create queue, queuename: *Q_8088_174169097114100*, appName: *PBC*, username: *PBC*, password: ** Adding to lInUse EngineStarted is *true* Returning *0☺0☺\\.\L_8088_174169097114100☺Q_8088_174169097114100☺PBC☺1☺1☺PBC☺HTTP_MCP☺☺0☺D07040009☺☺* In OEngineFactory: checkIn - Putting used engine back in list Have 1 entries to check checking entry #0 found the entry in the lInUse adding back to lAvailable Writing response: *000000890☺0☺\\.\L_8088_174169097114100☺Q_8088_174169097114100☺PBC☺1☺1☺PBC☺HTTP_MCP☺☺0☺D07040009☺☺* Originally received request: *3☺þ/bsmob_jobclock/datelistJCRþþ0þCGI/1.1þoffþapplication/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01þAuthorization=Basic U0Q6UHJpeWFt; username=SD; links={"clockon":{"method":"GET","href":"http://localhost/lan-api/bsmob_jobclock/workorder?date=10/08/2022","title":"Clock On"},"clockoff":{"method":"GET","href":"http://localhost/lan-api/bsmob_jobclock/clockoffemployees","title":"Clock Off"},"jobclockreport":{"method":"GET","href":"http://localhost/lan-api/bsmob_jobclock/report?date=10/08/2022","title":"Job Clock Report"},"siteinstructionform":{"method":"GET","href":"http://localhost/lan-api/bsmob_jobclock/siteinstruction","title":"Site Instruction Form"},"contactdetails":{"method":"GET","href":"http://localhost/lan-api/bsmob_jobclock/employeecontact","title":"Contact Details"},"takeapicture":{"method":"GET","href":"http://localhost/lan-api/bsmob_jobclock/takeajobpicture","title":"Take a Job Picture"},"logout":{"title":"Logout"}}þþhttp://localhost/pbc2mobile/jobclockreport.htmlþMozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/104.0.5112.81 Safari/537.36 Edg/104.0.1293.47þC:\inetpub\wwwroot\bsmob_jobclock\datelistJCRþ::1þ::1þþþGETþ/lan-oecgiapi/oecgi4.exeþlocalhostþ80þHTTP/1.1þMicrosoft-IIS/10.0þþþþRegistryInfo=SOFTWARE\RevSoft\OECGI4\lan-oecgiapi&EngineName=&ServerURL=localhost&ServerPort=8088&ApplicationName=PBC&UserName=PBC&StartupFlags=1&ShutdownFlags=1&FilePath=&FilePathMapped=&FileMode=1&SysDownPage=&OILocation=&AdditionalValues=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION%2CHTTP_MEDIA_TYPE%2CHTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING%2CHTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET%2CHTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE%2CHTTP_DEBUG%2CHTTP_PBCDATAPATHþVERSION:OECGI4þþþBasic U0Q6UHJpeWFtýýgzip, deflate, brýýen-US,en;q=0.9ýýýþgzip, deflate, br☺* In state *1*, asked to execute command *3*, *2* parameters in EngineFactory: Checkout, bAlwaysCreate is *false*, bCheckZombies is *false* looking for available engine, key is *PBC☺1☺1☺PBC☺☺☺☺0* have 1 available engines found an engine to use in the available list In LOGGED IN state doing CALL Returning *0☺Status: 200 OK Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * WWW-Authenticate: xBasic realm="LAN" Content-Type: application/hal+json Content-Length: 2298 { "h1": "Choose a date", "_embedded": [ { "day_name": "Today", "_links": { "self": { "method": "GET", "href": "http://localhost/lan-api/bsmob_jobclock/report?date=10/08/2022" } } }, { "day_name": "Yesterday", "_links": { "self": { "method": "GET", "href": "http://localhost/lan-api/bsmob_jobclock/report?date=09/08/2022" } } }, { "day_name": "Mon, 08 Aug", "_links": { "self": { "method": "GET", "href": "http://localhost/lan-api/bsmob_jobclock/report?date=08/08/2022" } } }, { "day_name": "Sun, 07 Aug", "_links": { "self": { "method": "GET", "href": "http://localhost/lan-api/bsmob_jobclock/report?date=07/08/2022" } } }, { "day_name": "Sat, 06 Aug", "_links": { "self": { "method": "GET", "href": "http://localhost/lan-api/bsmob_jobclock/report?date=06/08/2022" } } }, { "day_name": "Fri, 05 Aug", "_links": { "self": { "method": "GET", "href": 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"http://localhost/lan-api/bsmob_jobclock/report?date=09/08/2022" } } }, { "day_name": "Mon, 08 Aug", "_links": { "self": { "method": "GET", "href": "http://localhost/lan-api/bsmob_jobclock/report?date=08/08/2022" } } }, { "day_name": "Sun, 07 Aug", "_links": { "self": { "method": "GET", "href": "http://localhost/lan-api/bsmob_jobclock/report?date=07/08/2022" } } }, { "day_name": "Sat, 06 Aug", "_links": { "self": { "method": "GET", "href": "http://localhost/lan-api/bsmob_jobclock/report?date=06/08/2022" } } }, { "day_name": "Fri, 05 Aug", "_links": { "self": { "method": "GET", "href": "http://localhost/lan-api/bsmob_jobclock/report?date=05/08/2022" } } }, { "day_name": "Thu, 04 Aug", "_links": { "self": { "method": "GET", "href": "http://localhost/lan-api/bsmob_jobclock/report?date=04/08/2022" } } }, { "day_name": "Wed, 03 Aug", "_links": { "self": { "method": "GET", "href": "http://localhost/lan-api/bsmob_jobclock/report?date=03/08/2022" } } } ] }☺* Originally received request: *2☺* In state *1*, asked to execute command *2*, *1* parameters in EngineFactory: Checkout, bAlwaysCreate is *false*, bCheckZombies is *false* looking for available engine, key is *PBC☺1☺1☺PBC☺☺☺☺0* have 1 available engines found an engine to use in the available list In LOGGED IN state doing LOGOFF Returning *0☺0☺* In OEngineFactory: checkIn - Putting used engine back in list Have 1 entries to check checking entry #0 found the entry in the lInUse adding back to lAvailable Writing response: *000000040☺0☺* Error: error sending response string - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host Error: Error waiting for response - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host About to create queue, queuename: *Q_8088_174169108274500*, appName: *PBC*, username: *PBC*, password: ** Adding to lInUse EngineStarted is *true* Returning *0☺0☺\\.\L_8088_174169108274500☺Q_8088_174169108274500☺PBC☺1☺1☺PBC☺HTTP_MCP☺☺0☺D07040009☺☺* In OEngineFactory: checkIn - Putting used engine back in list Have 1 entries to check checking entry #0 found the entry in the lInUse adding back to lAvailable Writing response: *000000890☺0☺\\.\L_8088_174169108274500☺Q_8088_174169108274500☺PBC☺1☺1☺PBC☺HTTP_MCP☺☺0☺D07040009☺☺* Originally received request: *3☺þ/bsmob_jobclock/reportþtext/plainþ0þCGI/1.1þoffþ*/*þAuthorization=Basic U0Q6UHJpeWFt; username=SD; links={"clockon":{"method":"GET","href":"http://localhost/lan-api/bsmob_jobclock/workorder?date=10/08/2022","title":"Clock On"},"clockoff":{"method":"GET","href":"http://localhost/lan-api/bsmob_jobclock/clockoffemployees","title":"Clock Off"},"jobclockreport":{"method":"GET","href":"http://localhost/lan-api/bsmob_jobclock/report?date=10/08/2022","title":"Job Clock Report"},"siteinstructionform":{"method":"GET","href":"http://localhost/lan-api/bsmob_jobclock/siteinstruction","title":"Site Instruction Form"},"contactdetails":{"method":"GET","href":"http://localhost/lan-api/bsmob_jobclock/employeecontact","title":"Contact 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*3*, *2* parameters in EngineFactory: Checkout, bAlwaysCreate is *false*, bCheckZombies is *false* looking for available engine, key is *PBC☺1☺1☺PBC☺☺☺☺0* have 2 available engines found an engine to use in the available list In LOGGED IN state doing CALL Returning *0☺Status: 200 OK Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * WWW-Authenticate: xBasic realm="LAN" Content-Type: application/hal+json Content-Length: 31130 { "h1": "Job Clock Report for Wed, 10 August 2022", "h2": "Job_clocking Maintenance", "_embedded": { "employees": [ { "employee": "151", "_links": { "self": { "method": "GET", "href": "http://localhost/lan-api/bsmob_jobclock/employeecontact?employee=151" } }, "employee_name": "Andrew Kennedy", "work_orders": [ { "job_no": "", "variation_no": "", "job_name": "", "_links": { "content": "", "self": { "method": "", "href": "" } }, "start_time": "", "end_time": "", "total_time": "", "gps_on": "", "gps_off": "" } ] }, { "employee": "2059", "_links": { "self": { "method": "GET", "href": 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