//SITEINSTRUCTION PAGE JS if (page == "siteinstructionform.html") { function PopulateDateDropDownSI() { var si_menu = ''; //Date Menu From Json List // Ajax Paramenters var settings = { "url": APP_URL + "datelistSISJ", "method": "GET", "dataType": "json", "headers": { "Authorization": auth } }; $.ajax(settings).done(function (response, status, xhr) { si_menu += '
  • '; $.each(response._embedded, function (idx, resd) { si_menu += '
  • ' + resd.day_name + '
  • '; }); $("#si_menu").html(si_menu); }).fail(function (jqXHR, exception) { var msg = ""; msg = jqXHR.responseJSON["detail"]; if (msg == "" || msg == null || msg == "undefined") { msg = jqXHR.responseJSON["title"]; } if (msg == "" || msg == null || msg == "undefined") { msg = jqXHR.responseJSON["phrase"]; } if (msg == "" || msg == null || msg == "undefined") { msg = jqXHR.responseJSON["status"]; } alert(msg); }); // Fetch all the forms we want to apply custom Bootstrap validation styles to var forms = document.querySelectorAll('.needs-validation') // Loop over them and prevent submission Array.prototype.slice.call(forms) .forEach(function (form) { form.addEventListener('submit', function (event) { if (!form.checkValidity()) { event.preventDefault() event.stopPropagation() } else { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); var keywords = $("#txt_keywords").val().replace(' ', "+");; // Ajax Paramenters var settings = { "async": true, "crossDomain": true, "url": APP_URL + "siteinstruction?search="+keywords, "method": "GET", "timeout": 0, "headers": { "Authorization": auth }, }; var SrchJobs = "", TotalJobs_Cnt = 0, SrchJobs_Cnt = 0; // Ajax Submit $.ajax(settings).done(function (response, status, xhr) { if (status == "success" && xhr.status == "200") { $(".lbl_srch").html(response["h2"]); $.each(response._embedded, function (idx, res) { $.each(res._links, function (idx, link) { SrchJobs_Cnt = SrchJobs_Cnt + 1; SrchJobs += '' + '
  • ' + '
    ' + res.job_no + ' ' + cleanString(res.job_name) + '

    ' + '' + res.job_no + '' + '' + '
  • ' + '
    '; }); }); TotalJobs_Cnt = SrchJobs_Cnt; $(".lbl_TotalJobs_Cnt").html(TotalJobs_Cnt); $(".lbl_SrchJobs_Cnt").html(SrchJobs_Cnt); $("#SrchJobs .list-group").html(SrchJobs); $('.text-addclamp').each(function (index, element) { $clamp(element, { clamp: 3, useNativeClamp: false }); }); $(form).trigger("reset"); $("#accordion1").addClass("d-none"); $("#serchDiv form").addClass("d-none"); $("#serchRes").removeClass("d-none"); } else { alert("An error occurred: Please contact administrator"); } }).fail(function (jqXHR, exception) { var msg = ""; msg = jqXHR.responseJSON["detail"]; if (msg == "" || msg == null || msg == "undefined") { msg = jqXHR.responseJSON["title"]; } if (msg == "" || msg == null || msg == "undefined") { msg = jqXHR.responseJSON["phrase"]; } if (msg == "" || msg == null || msg == "undefined") { msg = jqXHR.responseJSON["status"]; } alert(msg); location.reload(); }); } form.classList.add('was-validated'); }, false) }) } PopulateDateDropDownSI(); function LoadSI(LoadURL) { // Ajax Paramenters var settings = { "url": LoadURL, "method": "GET", "timeout": 0, "headers": { "Authorization": auth }, }; var PastJobs = "", MyJobs = "", OthersJobs = "", TotalJobs_Cnt = 0, PastJobs_Cnt = 0, MyJobs_Cnt = 0, OthersJobs_Cnt = 0; // Ajax Submit $.ajax(settings).done(function (response) { $(".lbl_h1").html(response['h1']); $.each(response._embedded['my_jobs'], function (idx, res) { $(".lbl_h2").html(res['whichday']); $.each(res['jobs'], function (idx, jobs) { $.each(jobs._links, function (idx, link) { MyJobs_Cnt = MyJobs_Cnt + 1; MyJobs += '' + '
  • ' + '
    ' + jobs.job_no + ' ' + cleanString(jobs.job_description) + '

    ' + '' + jobs.job_no + ' ' + jobs.emp_inits + '' + '' + '
  • ' + '
    '; }); }); }); $.each(response._embedded['other_jobs'], function (idx, res) { $.each(res['jobs'], function (idx, jobs) { $.each(jobs._links, function (idx, link) { OthersJobs_Cnt = OthersJobs_Cnt + 1; OthersJobs += '' + '
  • ' + '
    ' + jobs.job_no + ' ' + cleanString(jobs.job_description) + '

    ' + '' + jobs.job_no + ' ' + jobs.emp_inits + '' + '' + '
  • ' + '
    '; }); }); }); $.each(response._embedded['yesterday_jobs'], function (idx, res) { $.each(res['jobs'], function (idx, jobs) { $.each(jobs._links, function (idx, link) { PastJobs_Cnt = PastJobs_Cnt + 1; PastJobs += '' + '
  • ' + '
    ' + jobs.job_no + ' ' + cleanString(jobs.job_description) + '

    ' + '' + jobs.job_no + ' ' + jobs.emp_inits + '' + '' + '
  • ' + '
    '; }); }); }); if (PastJobs_Cnt > 0) { $('.Yjob').removeClass('d-none'); } else { $('.Yjob').addClass('d-none'); } TotalJobs_Cnt = MyJobs_Cnt + OthersJobs_Cnt + PastJobs_Cnt; $(".lbl_TotalJobs_Cnt").html(TotalJobs_Cnt); $(".lbl_MyJobs_Cnt").html(MyJobs_Cnt); $(".lbl_PastJobs_Cnt").html(PastJobs_Cnt); $(".lbl_OthersJobs_Cnt").html(OthersJobs_Cnt); $("#PastJobs .list-group").html(PastJobs); $("#MyJobs .list-group").html(MyJobs); $("#OtherJobs .list-group").html(OthersJobs); $('.text-addclamp').each(function (index, element) { $clamp(element, { clamp: 3, useNativeClamp: false }); }); }).fail(function (jqXHR, exception) { var msg = ""; msg = jqXHR.responseJSON["detail"]; if (msg == "" || msg == null || msg == "undefined") { msg = jqXHR.responseJSON["title"]; } if (msg == "" || msg == null || msg == "undefined") { msg = jqXHR.responseJSON["phrase"]; } if (msg == "" || msg == null || msg == "undefined") { msg = jqXHR.responseJSON["status"]; } alert(msg); alert(msg); }); } var CallURL = localStorage.getItem("si_href"); LoadSI(CallURL); //Date Change Clock On $(document).on("click", ".si_date", function () { var cDymcURL = $(this).attr("data-date"); LoadSI(cDymcURL); }); //Open Job Details $(document).on("click", ".btnOpenListSI", function () { var DataURL = $(this).attr("data-URL"); localStorage.setItem("si_job_href", DataURL); location.href = "job_details.html"; }); } //SITEINSTRUCTION SEARCH JS $(document).on("click", "#btnSearchSI", function () { $("#accordion1").addClass("d-none"); $("#serchRes").addClass("d-none"); $("#serchDiv form").removeClass("d-none"); });