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  • My understanding is that Update_Index pays no attention to the Delay before Indexing setting.
  • Oh...as far as sending us a package, if you really think sending us an entire system is best, then we would prefer a copy of the entire OI folder, zipped up, and then uploaded to a web page that we can provide. Sending us an AppBackup will require u…
  • As Kevin mentioned, we are calling Revelation's BLINT routine as we always had. So if this is behaving differently in OI 10 versus OI 9 (i.e., same code does not product the warnings in OI 9 but you are still using the SRP Editor) or if the OI 10 ed…
  • * Maybe quarantined by AV software? * Does installing this first help?
  • Would you expect success on a non-set password when given, well, anything as the password? Yes, but only because I have always known that usernames with no passwords just ignore whatever is passed in as the password. I was always curious as to why…
  • @Opto_Will and @BarryStevens I need to be clearer in my response. I think perhaps I misread Barry's original question and I was also thinking of a different dialog that is used to authenticate the user (I've been doing a lot of OI 10 upgrading late…
  • Oh, yeah, I've seen that. It's because of the redone IDE. In OI 10 you can do this: // Close the application Call Exec_Method( "SYSTEM", "DESTROY", "SYSTEM" ) This comes from 065-system-object.pdf.
  • We do exactly the same thing. In the CREATE event handler of the MDI form, if the user cancels the Login form, we do the following: End_Window(@Window) Does this work for you?
  • As per our Installation and Upgrading page: Updating We update our controls on a frequent basis to ensure you always have the most complete and robust controls available. To update your controls, simply replace SRPControls.ocx with the new file and …
  • If the install includes an RDK then I would expect that the RDK would not install.
  • Paxton - Your code suggests you are still trying to use SSL. Did you try TLS and port 587?
  • @AusMarkB, Yes, that has been my understanding. When you create a local variable, this is really a pointer to an address in memory with a preallocated size. When your local variable exceeds this size, a new memory address is allocated with a larger…
  • @Opto_Will, Now if only there was a Collect.NonIXVals!!!!! If you end up writing a routine that works well, you can certainly package it up in your own Collect.NonIXVals routine and just pass in arguments. Many of our best utilities were given b…
  • Otherewise BTree.Extract would be the way I would go. Actually, Collect.IXVals would be your best option. I was trying to be simple in my example but to give a little more color, the field is actually a UDF. UDF? User Defined Field? The list we …
  • Chris, As promised, I am posting a couple of screenshots. This first one is a personal favorite since it is rather outrageous what the client is doing with it. As you can see, the Scheduler is being displayed on multiple large monitors but stretche…
  • Is the Category column indexed?
  • Chris - Based on what you wrote, the Scheduler control would be the more optimal control to use. We have a few clients using this control to do what you are describing. One of our clients has a commercial product built around the Scheduler control. …
  • This was identified and resolved awhile ago. I think we updated the installer with the fix. Can you install from our product site and let me know? https://products.srpcs.com/srp-editor/
  • @vince - It might be easier for me to just explain what Control_On / TempFlag does at a low level and then you should be able to answer your own questions. Transaction processing depends upon a special MFS being installed to your table(s). This is …
  • @vince - I'm glad that helped. It's vindication of my practice to have sample code that demonstrates concepts that might not be well known or commonly used.
  • @vince - This wasn't covered in the training class. The transaction volume is not normally visible in the Database Manager. That is, OI does not add it to your Database for you since this is meant to be a "behind the scenes" feature. Not too dissim…
  • Ideas that come to mind: * If revdebug.dll in the folder? * Check the properties of revdebug.dll. Is the "Unblock" button there? * Make sure revdebug.dll isn't quarantined but AV or malware blockers.
  • I haven't had a chance to confirm myself, but does Delete_Index display any progress GUI?
  • Are you attempting to attach the tables using UNC or mapped drives? If the latter, that might be your problem. Services typically do not have the same access to resources as a normal user.
  • I see. I thought you were expecting it to be under the Help menu based on your wording, but I misunderstood. If you upgraded to 10.2.1 then the "Launch the SRP Editor" would have been removed because the main IDE would have been updated. You'll nee…
  • Just to add that when installing SRP Editor into OI 10.2.1, the Launch SRP Editor shortcut does not appear at all - although the Help menu does remain intact. I'm not following you. What shortcut are you referring to?
  • I haven't confirmed this, but I would guess that the message is the same in both 32 and 64-bit versions of the SRP Editor since one was a port of the other and not every internal resource has been updated to use 64-bit phrasing.
  • Not in my wheelhouse. Perhaps others will chime in.
  • TL;DR Create_Index does not behave exactly like Table Bulder or DB Manager in creating indexes but the differences will likely not affect you. This is where I would use hooking to figure out what is different. Obviously the Database Manager UI us…
  • Yes. If you follow these instructions and adapt to your URLs it should work: URL Rewrite Rules