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  • Page 30 of this SENL has some information about Volume MFS's that might prove helpful.
    in Volume MFS Comment by DonBakke July 24
  • I have not yet done one myself but I know you would add them to the Volume Pointer using this tool:
    in Volume MFS Comment by DonBakke July 24
  • This sounds a lot like what happens if an orphaned TEMP dictionary is orphaned. When you open the dictionary either with the Table Builder or the Form Designer, it creates a TEMP version of the dictionary. This is how each tool knows if the dictiona…
  • As far as a built-in solution goes, there is nothing that the Msg() function provides to do this. You might experiment to see if the button will grow taller if you make the text multilined. Otherwise, you would have to go through more heroic measur…
    in MSG command Comment by DonBakke June 17
  • I have not used their vector products so I am not sure how to answer. Perhaps Kevin has some thoughts.
  • It is mostly a thing of the past. There are no 64K limits in the database or with memory, but there are still structures and some internal processes with 64K limits. Most of these have been refactored over the years to take advantage of the increase…
  • Yes, those will work. Any package with the supported image types will work just fine. FWIW, we use the Pure Flat icon sets as these have a more of a modern Office aesthetic: https://www.axialis.com/stock-icons/pure-flat-2013-toolbar.html#database_…
  • We've purchased most, if not all, of the raster flat format packs before the vector packs were made available. We like the Axialis brand and style, but the vendor does not really make much of a difference. The most important issue is uniformity. If …
  • Michael - That doesn't sound familiar, but it's been 8 years so it could be.
  • Was hoping there was some less-complicated.. maybe a SRP or RTI utility that could kick station-x or session-x off remotely. Something a monitor person could run w/o getting onto the server console. If this client is the one I'm thinking of, we a…
  • Thanks Barry. RTI_Lock_Owner does indeed get me the station ID. But the username is always Sysprog. And field 10 of Syslogins is null. The dictionary only goes to FMC 3. The client had some code that populated F10 with the user's ID, but I guess it …
  • BTW, the argument for putting the SRP Subclass control on individual forms versus the parent form (i.e., the MDI Frame or some startup menu form) is so that events are routed to the individual form. We also put the control, as well as the SRP Popup…
    in MDICLIENT Comment by DonBakke June 3
  • Aha...then I go back to my original idea: every form must have an SRP control. Full stop.
    in MDICLIENT Comment by DonBakke May 31
  • I suppose you only need it on the first form you open, and then just don't exit the Form Designer completely until you are completely done with your OI session...unless I'm wrong about how this works. I haven't actually tested this feature yet (been…
    in MDICLIENT Comment by DonBakke May 31
  • @Opto_Will - You are missing the big picture. Just make sure you have an SRP control on *every* form and you are golden.
    in MDICLIENT Comment by DonBakke May 31
  • Is your statusbar bottom anchored?
    in MDICLIENT Comment by DonBakke May 29
  • Jim - The Ribbon control is designed, out of necessity, to take over the entire form. In so doing it also replaces your menu bar. It will not replace your toolbar, but that's because regular controls are left alone. As you noted, the Ribbon control…
    in MDICLIENT Comment by DonBakke May 23
  • @albertkurniawan - I know OI 10 can run without the UD, but even On a stand-alone machine I recommend installing it anyway. I make no suggestions that it will help out in your situation but it couldn't hurt to try that as well. If that doesn't solv…
  • @albertkurniawan - Interesting that both stop at the same point in the loading process. That would suggest to me something is being loaded (probably from a DLL) during that process that is getting blocked. I'm grasping at straws here: * Have you…
  • Hi Albert - I've never seen that error message before, but I have seen OI stop loading with that same splash screen being displayed. In these cases it was always an issue with the clientsetup not be installed, but you've tried that as well. As a si…
  • I've explained how to do this already on the forum. There are three mistakes that I've seen people make: * Instead of creating a simple Dropbox link, they create a share link. This type of link does not behave the same way. * People forget to c…
  • @BarryStevens - I store my images in Dropbox and create a Dropbox link. I paste the link in the Picture tool. However...and this is most important...I change the last character in the link from a 0 to a 1. For the image you just referenced, the defa…
  • I'm glad you got this sorted out. I was monitoring the responses you were getting on the Revelation forum so it didn't seem like you need additional input over here.
  • Hi Albert - I think you'll need to get this from me since it is currently only in pre-beta nd not available to the WORKS community. Let's discuss offline so I can get you what you need.
  • Albert - I cannot say that I've seen this myself. Is this the same machine that you've reported slow load times when you launch the application? I'm wondering if you are still fighting the same issue. That said, you might want to start testing wit…
  • We've used csXGraph.
  • Never heard of this until now. What version of OI?
  • Hi Shane - Sure, I imagine there could be a tipping point where we would create something like SRP GraphQL. I also assume that you are mostly interested in a way to build a GraphQL structure versus parsing one, at least for now. Is that correct? W…
    in GraphQL Comment by DonBakke May 2
  • Hello Tom - To be honest, I've never known the LH service to create temp files. If this is done at all I would expect them to be in the local machine's Temp folder.
  • No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm sure it offers quite a few benefits but these aren't benefits that are better than or more than pre-existing solutions. I think GraphQL was created because some were under the impression that REST APIs aren't suit…
    in GraphQL Comment by DonBakke April 18