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  • Yes, I'm overdue on an official release. Once this feature is vetted, I'll document and get out there.
  • Matt, Here’s where I think the slowdowns are happening. * Updating NewItems with angle brackets is very slow. It is causing your loop to copy all ten thousand items ten thousand times. * Calling ItemData for each item is slow. Even though it’s…
  • I asked because OI 10 actually doesn't need to use BLINT. Here's what the SRP Editor does: rv = Repository("COMPILE", EntID, 0, "", "", EntID[-1, "B*"], StatusCode) Status = Get_Status(Err) If rv EQ 0 then Response = SRP_Edit…
  • This is surprising. There's definitely something strange going on if OI 9 is that much slower when using ItemList. I'm curious too how big the list is and what the actual benchmarks are. SRP_Stopwatch to satisfy our curiousity?
  • Is this OI 9 or 10?
  • I think you are looking for this. They mention flags you can set, which are about halfway down this page.
  • It could be a couple things, and there's very little info to go on here. Is this consistent? Is it permanent or does it go away when forcing a redraw? Child controls that are positioned weird could cause this since all windows clip the areas where …
  • It's tough because an OLE error is not necessarily the same thing as an Excel error. An OLE call can succeed but Excel could still logically error out. It all depends on how Excel handles it. Looking at the Range.Copy method, it doesn't appear to th…
  • As C#/C++ programmer, I feel you.
  • Sorry, not allowed. While dimensioned matrixes are faster, they are rarely used in BASIC+. That is because the original dynamic array has to be linearly scanned anyway and there are ways to do that while also processing the array. Wanna walk a dyna…
  • It's a cool idea, but there are some considerations. You have to register your application's AUID and a COM object to handle the user interacting with the toast. That means you need an installation process of some kind that runs with elevated permis…
  • Glad it's working. You can get away without using MDISize if you don't ever set the MDICLIENT SIZE property after the frame is created.
  • CtrlId = @Window:".MDICLIENT" Handle = Get_Property(CtrlId, "HANDLE") Send_Message(@Window:".OLE_SUBCLASS", "OLE.Subclass", Handle, CtrlId)
  • I have a fix that comes with caveats. You have to use MDISize to set the size of the MDICLIENT and you have to subclass the MDICLIENT using the SRP Subclass Control. Those combined should prevent the resizing and flickering.
  • I've got an inquiry in with Rev to see if this is something I have to work around or unintended behavior on their end.
  • We've recreated this on our end. I'll keep you posted.
  • Are you using the MDISize property to set the client's size during the CREATE event?
  • I'm in contact with Revelation to see what I can do to make this work. I'll keep you posted.
  • Yes, you'll be able to have a procedure appear in any number of projects. I hear you. As a Visual Studio user, I'm used to doing easy side-by-sides as well. I'll be giving this some thought on how I might pull this off. No guarantees, but this idea…
  • Good timing as I am working on SRP Editor 4.0 as we speak. The Favorites panel is on my todo list. I've already discussed moving to a project-based panel with Don, and he's on board with the idea. Will that meet the need you're after? As for side-b…
  • Oh, sorry. My bad. The control itself is allowed to be invisible. I've had a long day. I was thinking you were trying to disable the Ribbon temporarily. I'll look into it. Even when it's not visible, the Ribbon is supposed to hide itself.
  • I'll take a look, but truth be told, you're in uncharted waters. The Ribbon has to override the entire form in order to work, so hiding it was not part of the plan.
  • @Opto_Will. I just added this feature. See above.
  • Don, the toolbox is created each time you open a form. It's a new window every time, with a unique window handle. So, you'd have to run that routine every time you open a form.
  • Try initializing the ribbon with at least one tab. Don't worry about the Form Designer positions. Once you elect to use the Ribbon control, WYSIWYG design support is pretty much gone. It all has to be done in code.
  • So, this is a Form Designer screenshot, correct? Are you saying the above code does not work when running the form? Do you have a screenshot of that?
  • I'm not sure I can answer without seeing any code. This is what we do in FrameWorks' CREATE event. Size = Get_Property(@Window:".OLE_FRAME_STATUS", "ORIG_SIZE") Left = "0" ; // Achor left to client left Top = -Size<4> ; // Use control's…
  • Man, the ideas you guys put in my head. If you download OCX version and register it, it will resize the toolbox IF there is an SRP OLE control somewhere on the loaded form.
  • There is no convenient fix. I think I found a program years ago that can resize a window, but you have to run that program every time you open the Form Designer. It never felt worth it.