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- KevinFournier
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There is no existing way, no. Might I ask why the need?
I really appreciate the sample code. It allowed me to dive right into the issue... and boy was it a twisty rabbit hole. The fix was simple, but figuring out the issue took me all morning. When using COM automation, all parameters are passed as VARI…
Looking at similar issues with Word automation in other languages, it appears that Word will not accept omitting variables. Instead, you must specify that each one is a missing reference. I'll investigate further on my end, but here are two things t…
You'll need to use the BEGINCALL, ADDPARAM, and ENDCALL services to do this. Word OLE Automation must be expressly told when a parameter is omitted. Simply omitting them in a CALL service isn't sufficient. Using your example, the SAVEAS2 call would…
It's worth noting that our installer runs the VC+ 2013 redistribution installer automatically, so another option is to just run our installer.
Keep the aforementioned VC++ 2013 Runtime in mind after the upgrade. It probably won't be necessary, but since organizing the install involves some effort, it wouldn't hurt to make sure it's run before your next test.
Try installing the VC++ 2013 Runtime on that machine and see if that helps.
The reason "#pragma SRP_PreCompiler" doesn't cause an error is because the code does nothing. While the errors are prevented, SRP_PreCompiler doesn't run at all. SRP_PreCompiler relies on SRP Utilities, which is installed with the SRP Editor, but si…
The temporary entities are created upon opening and cleared out upon closing.
Make sure your OI directory is not read only.
Something has the SRPEditor.ocx locked, preventing the install from happening at all. If you are sure that all users are logged out of OI and are still getting that message, you might need to restart the machine to release the lock.
It's a wrapper around the preview used in Windows Explorer. We never documented it because it became clear after using it internally for a while that supporting it would be a nightmare. The preview is completely out of our control. If something does…
Fixed in The issue is that the frame window receives a WM_CLOSE message for some reason when the form is launched. Not sure why, but I had logic in there to release control of all controls that were passed to LayoutChildControl, giving size…
I still can't get the MDIClient to resize in my tests. There must be some other variables to consider. Is this native Windows or a Citrix? What is the DPI set to? Multiple monitors? Getting a copy of OPTO might speed things up as well. If you want t…
1. When you call an OLE method that doesn't exist, nothing happens, other than wasting a bit of CPU time. OI ignores the call. 2. That is pretty much where we do it in FrameWorks, a few lines before we make the frame visible.
It wouldn't break anything. LayoutChildControl does nothing in OI 10 because OI 10 will position the control where we want them... all except for the MDI client control. In OI 10, you have to use the MDISize property to position that control specifi…
Indeed, getting the Ribbon to play nice with OI has been quite the journey. I tested applications that use LayoutChildControl, which could explain the disparity, but if that's the case, it only proves that you should be using this method if you are…
If you use the installers downloaded from our website, just run the installers and place you SRPLIC file in OI root. Done. If you are manually installing the SRP Editor RDK, you install the RDK and register srpeditor.ocx. If you are manually insta…
I'm struggling to reproduce this. If I launch two different applications, I can't seem to make one application interfere with the other. When the form appears too low, does a vertical scrollbar appear on the MDICLIENT?
I'm not seeing this behavior. Regardless of the taskbar settings, the status bar seems to line up perfectly in both OI 9 and OI 10. There must be another variable contributing to this.
These new OCXs should fix the problem. (32-bit) (64-bit) Just replace your currently registered OCXs with these.
Can you please send me the unicode code points for these two characters? The one's I've found are in the UTF-32 code space, and I don't think that's supported in OI anyway due to delimiter conflicts. Still, send me your code points and I'll see what…
Are there any calls to methods or properties that are returning objects? If so, those need to be released too.
My bad. I thought I'd done a batch build, but I didn't. Try again.
Fixed in Here's the 64-bit ocx, and here's the 32-bit ocx.
Give version a try.
I am able to recreate this, even with a non-databound form. I'll see what I can do, but in the meantime, you'll have to rely on your workaround.
That's a vestige of OI 9. We added it so we could have "shortcuts" in the application manager to our utilities way back before Revelation allowed us to add custom buttons. I'll have to address this at some point.
Ugh, I always forget to check that. Good catch.
I should have pointed you to caspol.exe initially, as this is how you'd automate this process. Perhaps it does the same thing and will not fix the issue, but it's worth trying. It looks like you can do something like: caspol.exe -addfulltrust srpma…