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  • That would be exactly what the is issue @DonBakke! Message is now gone. That has obviously happened more than once as there were over a dozen TEMP entries.... Thanks for the prompt assistance as always :)
  • Love your work @KevinFournier!
  • @KevinFournier. You are Legen.....wait for it..Dary. Legendary!!! Project based would be awesome. Would a single procedure be able to span multiple projects in this scenario? I know I am asking for a bit with side by side in OI. I am an UEStudio…
  • @KevinFournier It has been a while so I thought I might give this one the obligatory bump for both the favorites grouping and multi-panel editing :)
  • Plus it helps for the fancy new Controls version that alleviates the Toolbox issue by already having a Control on every form! Anton must have been psychic! Either that or he listened back in the day when Don explained all the above to him. ;-)
    in MDICLIENT Comment by Opto_Will June 4
  • @AusMarkB I am sure there are forms where it does not get used at all. Predominanlty for Options stuff (most forms tbh). Some Dropdowns here and there, as well as some Balloon Tooltips ina couple of places. Im not convinced we needed to include…
    in MDICLIENT Comment by Opto_Will June 3
  • And I was goinf to say to @jimvaughan, That seems to be the code I posted in another Post. Worked well for us. We have the SRP Ribbon up the top of the Frame and a Statusbar at the bootom. I localised the SRP FW_MAIN code and added to the CREATE…
    in MDICLIENT Comment by Opto_Will May 31
  • @KevinFournier The ONE comment I seemed to have missed on the Post!!!! Good work!!! (and apologies to @DonBakke for doubting you)
    in MDICLIENT Comment by Opto_Will May 31
  • @DonBakke. Plans for world domination! I like it! I am not sure that is the case though. We, as a standard, drop the SubClass Control in pretty much every form and I still have to use my hotkey...
    in MDICLIENT Comment by Opto_Will May 31
  • That "RUN WINDOWS_SERVICES 'SetSize', '', 'TbxWindowClass', '', 800, 100, 105, 336" that Don noted in the linked post is annoying to have to do everytime (well everytime you need to see the cut off info) but I now have linked the text to spit out vi…
    in MDICLIENT Comment by Opto_Will May 31
  • Ahh... Understood.
    in GraphQL Comment by Opto_Will April 18
  • You dont think it offers much benefit?
    in GraphQL Comment by Opto_Will April 18
  • @DonBakke I guess because I haven't been able to identify the ONLY time I need to fire it so it is firing all the time (which is bad) The only time I want it to fire is if the field I am currently in has changed from before I entereed it time and I…
  • Interface with an external .We currently have a very minimal integartion thats fairly new. They support GraphQL and REST APIs but are apparently deprecting the REST API calls. Responses will be in JSON so SRP_JSON/X can still be used to process res…
    in GraphQL Comment by Opto_Will April 17
  • No worries Don. Was worth the question.
    in GraphQL Comment by Opto_Will April 17
  • @DonBakke, I am definately NOT disputing your findings. It makes total sense you are deploying an already compiled runtime. I think we can very quickly agree that the systems I inherited are anything BUT 'clean'! Try again on another System. Defa…
  • @DonBakke. Pretty much. For the Editor, yes. The rest of the system tools (DB Manager, Table Builder , etc.) change color immediately with the DB environment setting change everytime. At least that has been my experience. 1. The SRP Editor seeming…
  • Actually no @DonBakke. I never looked at the SYSREPOSWINEXES until a couple of weeks ago for the noted issue here. When I did, I saw that the entries had the value of the color I wanted in other systems whereas the system I had an issue with did no…
  • Hello @Michael! Some of those posts might have been mine as I have certainly seen that issue. There are some eServer settings that should influence that behaviour: (Ignore my actual values) !Engine parameters //Number of Simultaneous connections t…
  • I agree that I would normally see the settings being immeditaly applied, however that occurs. I also note that not everything would get updated. For example, while the SRP Editor would take the color immediately, not every single called form / dial…
  • Thanks @BarryStevens. I will add that to my Toolbox!
  • So....Got one of those handy for OI 9.4 (9.4.6 technically)? I have no idea when we last did a Clean install but it was long before my time and I have no 'Pristine' environments I can trust. Don helped us out with a project a couple of years back …
  • Thanks Don. Yeah, pretty much what I was worried about. My compromise at the moment is I have localised things with custom names that ONLY get called in this one instance so nothing else should break. Famous last words.... Would I be correct in a…
  • Ok. not that lucky. I should have paid better attention to timestamps. 'old' Upgrade log info. Nevertheless my logs came through. There is a line that actually writes the record to the Dcit file it has opened: write Rec to f_File, Key else I ha…
  • Progress. I copied in that RDKModuleInstall (like I said, dont trust it is current but better than nothing?). I routed my whole process to localised versions of everything (Update_Services, RDKINSTALL, RDKMODULEINSTALL) that I logged the heck out …
  • Are we supposed to have access to the source for RDKModuleInstall? I get that runnning an install it is supposed to be copied in from the SYSUPGRADE %RUN% record but what I am trying to do now is work out what %RUN% record comes from. I have a supe…
  • For what its worth, I stumbled upon a tool that seemed a little better than Dependency Walker for tracing through the 'modern' Windows APIs as it is a 'more updated' (relative term) and open source version of that tool. Dependencies Your mileage m…
  • We use the SRP Application Launcher and I set custom captions for that! I also use Custom login and FW_MAIN background images where I can for our Test areas. Every little bit helps...
  • I hadn't Barry but I am now!! That is much more user friendly......
  • So not just me! I actually dont mind the color, I just need it to be differnt to all the other dev environments on that server. I find it really helpful when you have multiple OI instances running that, at a glance of color, you know which Editor…