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  • Don, Thanks for the feedback... That helped... It's working now and here is the final code that works using SRP_COM. Equ CrLf$ to \0D0A\ WsdlURL = "https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com:443/TaskCallbackBean/task-callback" PayLoad = '':CrLf$ PayL…
  • Thanks for catch that... After changing to CALL now I get "invalid number of parameters" for both lines.
  • MyObj gets assigned a unique number Only errors I'm getting is on the following 2 lines: call SRP_Com(MyObj, "SET", "setRequestHeader", 'Content-Type, text/xml; charset=utf-8') call SRP_Com(MyObj, "SET", "setRequestHeader","SOAPAction") Erro…
  • OK; I finally have time to return back to this... and I've been playing around with getting this to work but maybe I'm missing something... Using the initial info and parameters I submittted here's where I'm at and still have not been able to get-it…
  • Don, Thanks for the feedback; I do remember during the upgrade from 8.03 to 9.21 I had to backup and restore some parts of the SYSENV records; so I will keep this in mind. I just verified that company has and is installing .NET FW 4 on all XP / WI…
  • Don, Thanks for the reply... I figured that much but doesn't hurt to ask; posted same thing on Revelation site... Now there is a weird things that has happen a few times which I'm not sure if it's a Universal Driver issue; this actually happen thi…
  • Kevin, Thanks for the response and link a lot of good info; but none of those examples fall under my current example as I'm short for time and trying to avoid a lot of trial and error... Plus we have't had to do much of this type of stuff over the …