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SRP_Path Feature

Just implemented some of the new SRP_Path commands, nice one...

One feature I could think of that would save some additional coding and important to my project would be to have a call such as "ConvertNetworkPath" or something along those lines.

The way I have implemented at the moment is to parse a "net use" with SRP_Run_Command and then if the "Z:" is mapped to "\\server\path" then I simply replace the "Z:" in the path passed in and return the result.

Especially useful for storing photos on a server so that other copies of OI can see them as opposed to mismatch mapped drives!


  • What would you expect if there were more than one mapped drive to the same path?
  • woudn't matter, you are sending in z:\blah" expecting back "\\server\path\blah"
  • Ah...I thought you were hoping to go the other direction. That's what came across as I read your post.

    Consider this request noted. Kevin engineered this utility so he'll likely be the one to put it in the queue if he thinks there is an opportunity to implement.
  • edited February 2016
    Download 1.5.6 RC1 here. The new service is "PathToUnc". I haven't documented it in the Wiki yet. Note that this service will just return the original path if it can't find the remote resource for any reason. The Win32 API is finicky when it comes to this kind of conversion. User rights can even affect it sometimes according to some online posts.
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