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EntitySize less than 64 bug


If we make the EntitySize less than 64 and we move the appointment to row 2 then row 1 (One) disappears.
If we move the appointment one row down then another row disappears. (Two)

Regards, Ed Keeman

** example**********************************************
ctrl = @window:'.SCHEDULE'

Qualifier = 1
Qualifier<4> = 1
Qualifier<7> = 0
call Send_Message(ctrl, 'QUALIFY_EVENT', 'ALL_OLES', Qualifier)


data = ''
data<1,4> = 'One'
data<2,4> = 'Two'
data<3,4> = 'Three'
data<4,4> = 'Four'
data<5,4> = 'Five'
for i = 1 to 5
data = 'ENT'
data = 1
data = i

Set_Property(ctrl, 'OLE.EntityList',data)
Set_Property(ctrl, "EntityChecked[All]", 1)

Set_Property(ctrl,'EntitySize[All]', 60) ;* < ====================================

id = time()
list = 5
list<1,2> = id
list<1,3> = date() + .5
list<1,4> = list<1,3> + 2/24
list<1,7> = 'Title'
list<1,8> = 'Desc'


call Send_Message(Ctrl, "OLE.EnsureVisible", id)


  • Confirmed. The issue is that the rows are scrolling out of view even if there aren't scroll bars, and without scrollbars, you can't get the entity to appear unless you select it from the tree.
  • Thanks for the confirmation.
    What happens next? Do we get a solution?
  • Sorry, it's been crazy. The problem is that I'm in the middle of a big update of the controls. If I push out a build with your fix, it could break other things. I don't think it would, but I can't say it won't until we've run it through integration testing. Do you want a fix now that could have potential repercussions elsewhere, or do you want to use a workaround until the next release? The next release is several weeks out. The work around, for now, is to keep the entity size larger.
  • Thank you for the update. We will work around the bug for now. Please let me know when the fix is ready.
    Regards, Ed
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