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chrome - developer tools - console
Seeing the following and just wondering if anyone can shed light on whether you see any pending issues or know of any setting that needs to be set.
Running as a frameworks _API
Running as a frameworks _API
Maybe form formatting or something. Is it a 'resource' that should be 'installed' on the local server do you think.
// All response headers that need to be set, regardless of authentication, should be handled here. // 1. Access-Control-Allow-Origin must always be returned for CORS purposes. HTTP_Services('SetResponseHeaderField', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
>Is it a 'resource' that should be 'installed' on the local server do you think.
No, it's a setting on the remote server for the resource you are trying to access. Specifically, the URL https://app-directory.s3.amazonaws.com/hootlet/launched-app-directory-apps.json doesn't have an access-control-allow-origin header that lets JavaScript running in your browser on your server from being accessed.