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Auto Comment button not working on
After the latest editor update, the "Auto Comment" button is NOT responding. I have restarted my laptop to no avail. The Ctrl+/ does function correctly as does the "Auto Comment" from the edit dropdown menu. The compile button works as expected.
That fixed the "Auto Comment" but the F1 (Help) is not functional. That is either from the keyboard "F1" or the help menu.
Not a major problem as it is not stopping me from working efficiently.
Mark on my behalf has contacted you about the OI message box not responding correctly using the new SRPControls.ocx. This is on OI9.4.6. Has there been any progress?
Kev has provided an extensive response to the message box issue via email. I'll forward it to you.
In short, though, all good news.
Download the installer from our website again. The F1 feature should be back up and running. My apologies for the inconvenience.
I have an About page displaying Windows/OI/SRP version data. Is there a way of getting the SRP Editor version so I can include that on the about page.
You could try this:
Version = SRP_Get_FileVersion("SRPEditor.ocx")
I haven't tested, but it might work for what you need.
I also found this and forwarded it on.