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SRP_COM leaves MS-Access lock file


In the process of moving from ODBC (XO_Instance etc) to SRP_Com for a connection to an MS-Access database (.mdb). All working fine, excepting after the final RELEASE we still have an MS-Access lock file (.ldb) which prevents other users from accessing that mdb.
The final RELEASE is successful (returns a 1).
Using the Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider.
Access permissions = Share Deny None

Any ideas?



  • We have an entire library of calls built around SRP_COM to interface with any SQL database using OLE DB. In the past we would run into problems similar to what you described. In all cases we resolved by identifying objects that we failed to RELEASE.

    Can you double-check this on your end? Note, if you call SRP_COM as a subroutine but the method returns an object, you won't have the ability to release this object because you did not assign the object to a local variable that you can pass into the RELEASE service.
  • Are there any calls to methods or properties that are returning objects? If so, those need to be released too.
  • Thanks for swift replies!

    SRP_Com is called as a subroutine, designed using your "Much ADO about nothing" sample code.
    The variable objConnection returns a numeric string, like 7148112. This is used in the final RELEASE call.
    We only use the connection to write new rows to the .mdb table.
    Thus objRecordSet = SRP_Com(objConnection, 'CALL', 'Execute', QueryStatement) returns nothing in the variable objRecordSet, so nothing to be released.

  • I'll take you at your word that your implementation does not make any other calls that returns objects. In that case, I highly recommend you convert your code to use the Revelation OLE functions for comparison purposes. This is a relatively easy conversion, especially if the number of calls you make is as limited as you indicate. If this solution resolves the lock then this suggests there might be something going on with SRP_COM and we can look further. If this solution does not resolve the lock then this suggests the problem is in your implementation.
  • Thanks Don. I've stepped through the code in the debugger n number of times, there are no other objects to be released. I'll take a look at the OLE functions as suggested.
  • Recoded using the OI OLE functions, all well, no locks left behind.
    Thanks for your help.
  • @NickStevenson - Are you will to post (or privately send me) your original code that used SRP_COM? If there are issues with SRP_COM we would like to resolve them. Also, I forgot to ask you what version of SRP Utilities are you using.
  • Don - see code below. The first shows use of SRP_COM, the second shows revised code in OI OLE
    Comments in the first version indicate results of calls.
    Not sure what SRP version - but it would have been a few years ago. Is there a way to tell?
    Testing in OI9.4.4

    declare function srp_com, dcount
    connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider;"
    connectionString := "Data Source=G:\IT\Website\fpdb_pme\fpdb1_update_dev.mdb;"
    connectionString := "MS Access;PWD=foo!"

    If SRP_Com(objConnection, 'CREATE', 'ADODB.Connection') then
    * we now have a connection object in objConnection

    retVal = SRP_Com(objConnection, 'CALL', 'Open', ConnectionString)
    * db has now been opened, a lock file is created

    if SRP_Com('', 'ERROR') then
    errText = SRP_Com('', 'ERROR')
    end else

    * delete everything in table
    script = "delete * from company_update"
    objRecordSet = SRP_Com(objConnection, 'CALL', 'Execute', script)
    * NB: no object returned in objRecordSet
    * BUT delete is successful

    If SRP_Com('', 'ERROR') then
    errText = SRP_Com('', 'ERROR'):' * ':script

    if len(objRecordSet) then
    retVal = SRP_Com(objRecordSet, 'RELEASE')

    * now write a row
    script = "insert into company_update (company_id) values (1)"
    objRecordSet = SRP_Com(objConnection, 'CALL', 'Execute', script)
    * NB: no object returned in objRecordSet
    * BUT insert is successful

    If SRP_Com('', 'ERROR') then
    errText = SRP_Com('', 'ERROR'):' * ':script

    if len(objRecordSet) then
    retVal = SRP_Com(objRecordSet, 'RELEASE')

    * now read all rows
    script = "select company_id from company_update"
    objRecordSet = SRP_Com(objConnection, 'CALL', 'Execute', script)
    * NB: no object returned in objRecordSet

    If SRP_Com('', 'ERROR') then
    errText = SRP_Com('', 'ERROR'):' * ':script

    DataRows = SRP_Com(objRecordSet, 'CALL', 'GetString', 2, -1, @FM, @RM)
    If DataRows[-1, 1] EQ @RM then DataRows[-1, 1] = ''
    * NB: returns nothing

    if len(objRecordSet) then
    retVal = SRP_Com(objRecordSet, 'RELEASE')

    retVal = SRP_Com(objConnection, 'RELEASE')
    * release the connection object


    RETURN 0

    $insert Microsoft_Ado_Equates
    declare function OleCreateInstance

    connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider;"
    connectionString := "Data Source=G:\IT\Website\fpdb_pme\fpdb1_update_dev.mdb;"
    connectionString := "MS Access;PWD=foo!"


    OlePutProperty(conn, 'MODE', adModeShareDenyNone)
    x=OleCallMethod(Conn, 'Open', ConnectionString)

    If OleStatus() Then

    sql= "delete * from company_update"

    rsCreate=OleCallMethod(Conn, 'Execute', sql)
    If x Then
    x=oleCallMethod(rsCreate, 'Close')

    sql = "insert into company_update (company_id) values (3)"

    rsCreate=OleCallMethod(Conn, 'Execute', sql)
    If x Then
    x=oleCallMethod(rsCreate, 'Close')

    x=oleCallMethod(conn, 'Close')

    return 0

  • @NickStevenson - Thanks for the code! I'll take a look. Regarding the version of SRP Utilities, the best way to tell is to get the Product Version of the SRPUtilities.dll file from the Properties dialog.
  • Don - May 2015. Hmmm. Should I download the latest version and try again?
  • Yes, that is quite old. Assuming you still have your SRP_COM based version of your code, it would save us a bit of time if you upgrade and confirm that the problem has been resolved.
  • Don - my apologies for wasting everyone's time. Downloaded the latest version and hey presto it all works perfectly.
  • No worries! I'm relieved to know that it is working again. While on the topic of SRP_COM, you might consider testing it in OI 10 to address your Word OLE automation issues. We use SRP_COM for automating Excel. In fact, some of the capabilities of SRP_COM were added to specifically work around limitations in the Revelation OLE functions. (To be clear, we do not discourage using the Revelation OLE functions. They work well when they work and they do a good job of cleaning up their own objects, but there are a few edge cases where they don't work.)
  • Good advice! You've probably guessed that I'm an OLE novice, would you by any chance have some sample code for a Word mail merge using SRP_COM that I can get some ideas from?
  • Alas I do not. I'm pretty certain I've seen Word mail merge code posted on the Revelation forum, but this would be using the Revelation OLE functions. But these are easy to convert so that is what I would do if and when I needed to do this.
  • edited December 2023
    @NickStevenson - To save you some trouble, the explanation that Carl provided as to why your Word OLE automation code was failing is also a problem for SRP_COM...or at least it was a problem. Our intrepid product manager, Kevin, has already made a change to SRP_COM to use 32-bit integers when possible. This update hasn't been publicly released yet but if you are curious to try it for OI 10 then let me know.
  • Don - yes please, this is a mission critical item and without it we cannot complete the migration. Carl indicated we have missed OI10.2.1. I have commenced migrating all the OLE calls to SRP_COM in our word automation code, everything is going better than expected except for the same issue identified earlier!

    If we can have an advance update that would be terrific!
  • Don - one more thing. I'm testing the word automation conversion in OI9.4.4, the following two calls are not working, no OLE error is returned. Am I calling SRP_COM incorrectly? Both work fine in original OI OLE calls.

    *oSaveAs = OleCallMethod(oDocHandle2, "SAVEAS2", pdfName, wdFormatPDF$) ;* original
    oSaveAs = SRP_Com(oDocHandle2, "CALL", "SAVEAS2", pdfName, wdFormatPDF$) ;* new

    *oPrintOut = OleCallMethod(oWordApp, "PRINTOUT",wdBackground$) ;* original
    oPrintOut = SRP_Com(oWordApp, "CALL", "PRINTOUT", wdBackground$) ;* new
  • If we can have an advance update that would be terrific!

    @NickStevenson - Please use these links:


  • Don - one more thing. I'm testing the word automation conversion in OI9.4.4, the following two calls are not working, no OLE error is returned. Am I calling SRP_COM incorrectly? Both work fine in original OI OLE calls.

    Those looks correct to me. If you want to send me (or post here) the full code I'll be happy to test.
  • Great, huge thank you! I'll update the system and let you know how it goes.
  • Don - Good news - The ADODB connections are now working fine.

    The only problem I am left with (in both OI9 and OI10) is the call to SAVEAS2:
    wdFormatPDF$ = 17
    ***oSaveAs = OleCallMethod(oDocHandle2, "SAVEAS2", pdfName, wdFormatPDF$) ;* original
    oSaveAs = SRP_Com(oDocHandle2, "CALL", "SAVEAS2", pdfName, wdFormatPDF$) ;* new

    The original line works fine (with OleCallMethod), the SRP_COM call now fails with 80020005 which I believe is Type Mismatch. If I leave that last parameter out (wdFormatPDF$) is does the SAVEAS2 correctly, but obviously as a word doc file.
  • Can you post a complete block of code? We will use it to make sure SRP_COM will work.
  • Don - see code below. Amend the initial run parameters to pick up your own Word doc (set up as mail merge doc), mail source doc (as in the Word doc), and the name of the file to save as. Then amend the var USEOIOLE to choose whether to use OI or SRP. The OI code always saves to PDF correctly, SRP option gives 80020005. I am testing in OI9.4.4.

    compile subroutine OLE_Word_Automation_test(nul)

    Declare Function OleCreateInstance, OleGetProperty, OleStatus, Msg, get_property, set_property, utility
    declare function lcase, send_event, srp_com
    Declare Subroutine OlePutProperty, Delay, Yield, Set_Status

    $insert msg_equates
    $insert file_status_equates
    equ crlf$ to char(13):char(10)
    equ tab$ to char(9)

    * init variables
    MergeDocument = "g:\ips\documents\manual_payment.dot" ;* the Word template to be used in the merge operation
    DataSource = "t:\manual_payment.txt" ;* the data to be merged, comma or tab delimtted
    FileToSaveAs = "t:\mytestfile.doc" ;* file to save as
    useSaveAsPDF = 1 ;* set to 1 for SAVEAS PDF / 0 for print to printer
    useOIOLE = 0 ;* set to 0 to use SRP_COM

    PrintAndClose = 1
    PrintToPDF = 1


    * make sure the FileToSaveAs file does not exist
    if len(FileToSaveAs) and FileToSaveAs # MergeDocument then
    osDelete FileToSaveAs
    FileToSaveAsPDF = FileToSaveAs
    swap '.docx' with '.pdf' in FileToSaveAsPDF
    swap '.doc' with '.pdf' in FileToSaveAsPDF
    osDelete FileToSaveAsPDF

    * make sure the DataSource file exists
    fileinfo = Dir(DataSource)
    fileSize = fileInfo<1>
    if fileSize > 0 else
    oswrite 'dummy':char(9):char(9):char(13):char(10):'.':char(9):char(9) on DataSource

    * do merge
    gosub ole_word_merge

    * end


    * create Word instance
    if useOIOLE then
    oWordApp = OleCreateInstance("Word.Application")
    end else
    retVal = SRP_Com(oWordApp, 'CREATE', "Word.Application")

    gosub CheckError
    if OleStatus else
    if useOIOLE then
    oNextHandle = OleGetProperty(oWordApp, "DOCUMENTS")
    end else
    oNextHandle = SRP_Com(oWordApp, "GET", "DOCUMENTS")
    gosub CheckError

    * make Word visible or not
    if OLEStatus else
    *wdVisible$ = -1
    wdVisible$ = 1 ;* 0 for TESTING NS **********
    if useOIOLE then
    OlePutProperty(oWordApp, "VISIBLE", wdVisible$)
    end else
    Result = SRP_Com(oWordApp, "SET", "VISIBLE", wdVisible$)
    gosub CheckError

    * open the Word merge document
    if OleStatus else
    * use "ADD" for .dot, or "OPEN" for .doc
    if useOIOLE then
    oDocHandle = OleCallMethod(oNextHandle, "ADD", MergeDocument)
    end else
    oDocHandle = SRP_Com(oNextHandle, "CALL", "ADD", MergeDocument)
    gosub CheckError

    * execute mailmerge method
    if OLEStatus else
    if useOIOLE then
    oMMerge = OleGetProperty(oDocHandle,"MAILMERGE")
    end else
    oMMerge = SRP_Com(oDocHandle, "GET", "MAILMERGE")
    gosub CheckError

    * open the datasource file - not sure why we do this
    if OLEStatus else
    wdOpenFormatText$ = 4 ;* not used
    if useOIOLE then
    oDataSource = OleCallMethod(oMMerge, "OPENDATASOURCE", DataSource)
    end else
    oDataSource = SRP_Com(oMMerge, 'CALL', "OPENDATASOURCE", DataSource)
    gosub CheckError

    * set mailmerge destination file
    if OLEStatus else
    wdSendToNewDocument$ = 0
    if useOIOLE then
    OLEPutProperty(oMMerge, "DESTINATION", wdSendToNewDocument$)
    end else
    Result = SRP_Com(oMMerge, "SET", "DESTINATION", wdSendToNewDocument$)
    gosub CheckError

    * execute the mail merge
    if OLEStatus else
    if useOIOLE then
    oMergeExecute = OleCallMethod(oMMerge, "EXECUTE")
    end else
    oMergeExecute = SRP_Com(oMMerge, 'CALL', "EXECUTE")
    gosub CheckError

    if OLEStatus else
    wdSuppressBlankLines$ = -1
    if useOIOLE then
    OlePutProperty(oMMerge, 'SUPPRESSBLANKLINES', wdSuppressBlankLines$)
    end else
    Result = SRP_Com(oMMerge, "SET", 'SUPPRESSBLANKLINES', wdSuppressBlankLines$)
    gosub CheckError

    * close the original Word document
    if OLEStatus else
    wdSaveChanges$ = 0
    if useOIOLE then
    oCloseOrig = OleCallMethod(oDocHandle, "CLOSE", wdSaveChanges$)
    end else
    oCloseOrig = SRP_Com(oDocHandle, 'CALL', "CLOSE", wdSaveChanges$)
    gosub CheckError

    * set the new merged document as the active document
    if OLEStatus else
    if useOIOLE then
    oDocHandle2 = OleGetProperty(oWordApp, "ACTIVEDOCUMENT")
    end else
    oDocHandle2 = SRP_Com(oWordApp, "GET", "ACTIVEDOCUMENT")
    gosub CheckError
    if OLEStatus else
    * get statistics of current document to ensure document is now activated and ready
    * using line count to count the number of lines
    * tries for a maximum of 5 seconds
    statisticOK = 0
    loopCount = 0
    wdStatistic$ = 1 ;* 2=Pages, 1=Lines
    if useOIOLE then
    oStatistics = OleCallMethod(oDocHandle2, "COMPUTESTATISTICS",wdStatistic$)
    end else
    oStatistics = SRP_Com(oDocHandle2, 'CALL', "COMPUTESTATISTICS",wdStatistic$)
    if num(oStatistics) and oStatistics > 0 then
    statisticOK = 1
    end else
    loopCount += 1
    if loopCount > 5 then
    statisticOK = 1
    until statisticOK or loopCount > 10 repeat

    * save the merged document to the specified folder and make sure it is saved properly
    if OLEStatus else
    if Len(FileToSaveAs) and (printToPdf # 1 or useSaveAsPDF # 1) Then
    if useOIOLE then
    oSaveAs = OleCallMethod(oDocHandle2, "SAVEAS", FileToSaveAs)
    end else
    oSaveAs = SRP_Com(oDocHandle2, 'CALL', "SAVEAS", FileToSaveAs)
    gosub CheckError

    * print the document
    if OLEStatus else
    if PrintToPDF and len(FileToSaveAs) and useSaveAsPDF then
    gosub save_as_pdf
    end Else
    gosub print_the_document
    gosub CheckError

    * close the mailmerge Word document
    if OLEStatus else
    if PrintAndClose then
    wdSaveChanges$ = 0
    if useOIOLE then
    oCloseNew = OleCallMethod(oDocHandle2, "CLOSE", wdSaveChanges$)
    end else
    oCloseNew = SRP_Com(oDocHandle2, 'CALL', "CLOSE", wdSaveChanges$)
    gosub CheckError

    * always try to quit even with previous error so that Word isn't holding the document locked
    if PrintAndClose or OLEstatus then
    wdSaveChanges$ = 0 ;* -2

    if useOIOLE else
    * SRP ONLY: clear idispatch variables in the REVERSE order they were created
    retVal = SRP_Com(oCloseNew, 'RELEASE')
    retVal = SRP_Com(oPrintOut, 'RELEASE')
    retVal = SRP_Com(oSaveAs, 'RELEASE')
    retVal = SRP_Com(oStatistics, 'RELEASE')
    retVal = SRP_Com(oDocHandle2, 'RELEASE')
    retVal = SRP_Com(oCloseOrig, 'RELEASE')
    retVal = SRP_Com(oMergeExecute, 'RELEASE')
    retVal = SRP_Com(oDataSource, 'RELEASE')
    retVal = SRP_Com(oMMerge, 'RELEASE')
    retVal = SRP_Com(oDocHandle, 'RELEASE')
    retVal = SRP_Com(oNextHandle, 'RELEASE')

    * clear connections (for iDespatch)
    oCloseNew = ""
    oPrintOut = ""
    oSaveAs = ""
    oStatistics = ""
    oDocHandle2 = ""
    oCloseOrig = ""
    oMergeExecute = ""
    oDataSource = ""
    oMMerge = ""
    oDocHandle = ""
    oNextHandle = ""

    * quit word application
    if useOIOLE then
    Quit = OleCallMethod(oWordApp, "QUIT", wdSaveChanges$)
    end else
    Quit = SRP_Com(oWordApp, 'CALL', "QUIT", wdSaveChanges$)

    * clear final idispatch variable
    if useOIOLE else
    retVal = SRP_Com(Quit, 'RELEASE')
    retVal = SRP_Com(oWordApp, 'RELEASE')
    Quit = ""
    oWordApp = ""

    gosub CheckError


    * get the error
    OleStatus = ''
    if useOIOLE then
    OleStatus = OleStatus()
    end else
    if SRP_Com('', 'ERROR') then
    OleStatus = SRP_Com('', 'ERROR')

    * see if the error is in the errors file
    if OleStatus then
    wdVisible$ = -1
    if useOIOLE then
    OlePutProperty(oWordApp, "VISIBLE", wdVisible$)
    end else
    Result = SRP_Com(oWordApp, "SET", "VISIBLE", wdVisible$)
    msgTxt = 'OLE ERROR: ':OleStatus
    gosub disp_msg


    msg_def = ""
    msg_def<3> = 'S'
    msg_def = "BO"
    msg_def = 'H'
    msg_def = -2
    msg_def = MsgTxt
    msgRetVal = MSG(@WINDOW,msg_def)


    * prints the document to the selected device
    wdBackground$ = 0
    if useOIOLE then
    oPrintOut = OleCallMethod(oWordApp, "PRINTOUT",wdBackground$)
    end else
    * seems to be a problem with wdBackground$ parm, so dropped it
    *oPrintOut = SRP_Com(oWordApp, "CALL", "PRINTOUT", wdBackground$)
    oPrintOut = SRP_Com(oDocHandle2, "CALL", "PRINTOUT")
    gosub CheckError


    * uses Word to SAVEAS PDF
    pdfName = lcase(FileToSaveAs)
    swap '.rtf' with '.pdf' in pdfName
    swap '.docx' with '.pdf' in pdfName
    swap '.doc' with '.pdf' in pdfName

    wdFormatPDF$ = 17

    if useOIOLE then
    oSaveAs = OleCallMethod(oDocHandle2, "SAVEAS2", pdfName, wdFormatPDF$)
    end else
    oSaveAs = SRP_Com(oDocHandle2, "CALL", "SAVEAS2", pdfName, wdFormatPDF$)
    gosub CheckError

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