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Dictionary Read only

I am getting a Dictionary read-only message when opening a form in Form Builder.

Here are some of my notes.
Open Form -> get Dictionary read-only.
Open a different Form based on samne table -> get Dictionary read-only.
Open Form based on different table -> OK
Entity-Delete both Form and EXE and install from a deploy from another system that does not have the error -> get Dictionary read-only.
New Form on that table -> get Dictionary read-only.

OK. So happy it is not the Form but the Table.

Detach and re-attach table -> get Dictionary read-only.
Open Table in Table Builder and Save -> OK
DB LH Verify Data/Index/Dict -. All OK
Remake Data/Index/Dict (to get new physical files) -> get Dictionary read-only.

Is there anything else am I missing (or I can try)?


  • This sounds a lot like what happens if an orphaned TEMP dictionary is orphaned. When you open the dictionary either with the Table Builder or the Form Designer, it creates a TEMP version of the dictionary. This is how each tool knows if the dictionary is always opened by something else, and you get the "Read Only" message. When the tool is closed then the TEMP dictionary is removed. If you have a crash that prevents this normal clean up then you can have the issue you are describing.

    Try attaching the REVMEDIA table and look for any entries with TEMP in the name. Remove them and delete the associated OS files and try again.
  • That would be exactly what the is issue @DonBakke!
    Message is now gone.

    That has obviously happened more than once as there were over a dozen TEMP entries....

    Thanks for the prompt assistance as always :)
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