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Hola all,

Can anyone please tell me the parameters for RTI_SET_SIZELOCK?

Gracias in advance!



  • I don't have that utility installed in any local copy of OI. Do you have the SRP Editor? If so, enter RTI_Set_Sizelock( and the tooltips should show you the argument names. If not, use the Ctrl+T toggle to view them.
  • The object code is in SYSOBJ, but we have no source code. I've not used the SRP Editor much. Does it work if there's no source code? The program isn't invoked anywhere in the system.
  • Does it work if there's no source code?

    Yes it does. Arguments are embedded in the object code.
  • So if I edit the SYSOBJ record, I hit Ctrl+T and nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
  • I didn't say to edit the SYSOBJ record. Enter this into a stored procedure like you would for any other routine.
  • Ok.. my bad
    The tool tip just shows Rti_Set_Sizelock (CtrlEntId, Method, Param1, etc.) Nothing specific for the routine.

    I'd imagine the params would at least involve the table name and the sizelock flag.

    I guess I can trial-and-error if nothing else.

  • I thought you just wanted to know what the parameters are. I guess you really wanted documentation. This utility is available through the WORKS downloads. It does not have documentation on the routine itself, which is likely because it is meant to be a commuter module for the RTI_SET_SIZELOCK form.
  • Thanks for the help. I got a workaround
  • This is in Oi10.2.3 (beta) , so dont know which is the earliest release version it was available via the tools menu.
    You could still do in TCL or System Monitor:- EXEC RTI_SET_SIZELOCK

  • Thanks Barry. Was hoping to do it programagically. It's available in OI9.4, but I can't find the documentation, and my Works is expired.

    No worries.. I can do it manually from the Database Mgr.

  • Michael, are you saying you do not have the RTI_SET_SIZELOCK form?
  • No, the SYSREPOSWINEXES record is there and I can run it. But I was hoping to be able to call the function in code.
  • Maybe this is what you are after.
    Fix_LH fixtype=5
  • I've had mixed results with Fix_LH

    I have a workaround. Thanks again for your input!
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