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Oengine issues


I'm sometimes getting this error: 1Login failed-3111
when envoking Oengine from the browser.
I believe it is caused by an oengine not being 'available'.
I believe there are idle oengines available, but their previous use was to a different log in.
I am licenced for 3 engines.
So, I want to know if I can get an idle engine to accept a new login or shorten the idle time so a fresh engine is always available.
I use Apache web server
I have two Accounts/Applications in a single copy of OpenInsight
I have two 'htdocs' one for each web application (happyhome.org and thedce.com)
For a time each account was accessed only through a single web application.
i.e. thedce.com accessed the application DCE; happyhome.org accessed the application ARCS

I have my registry set up as follows:
............ ARCS
............. DCE
(had to use .... as tabs and spaces removed when posting)
This worked very reliable when the applications were totally separate.
Now, the happyhome.org website has cause to access the DCE application and the ARCS application.
e.g. https://happyhome.org/ARCS/oecgi/inet_OZ?action_code=INDEXSTART&startpage_gov=index_desktop.html&schigh='+high+'&scwide='+wide
and https://happyhome.org/DCE/oecgi/inet_DCE?HHflag=1&ACTION_CODE=DCE_LOGIN&mtype=a&startPos=0&count=1000&libview=Albums&username="+username+"&password="+password);

(oecgi is really OECGI3.exe renamed) (/ARCS/ and /DCE/ map to Apache2's cgi-bin folder where OECGI3.EXE - renamed oecgi and the other required files for oengine are located)

This works much of the time but sometimes I get the error above.
Starting Oengine manually on the development machine, it appears that there is a log in failure even though there is an idle engine available.

Any advice?

Have fun,


  • The eserver.cfg file has an Idle timeout parameter. It's a representation in minutes of how long the engine should sit idle before shutting down.
    Depending on the amount of activity on the website, this may help you with having a "fresh" engine.

    https://www.revelation.com/WebHelp/OpenInsight OEngineServer/OpenInsight_OEngineServer.htm
  • Thanks,
    I thought there was such a setting but had not examined the config file yet. I'll look.
  • Of course, the flip side is, starting an engine in response to a request is slower than responding with an idle engine
  • Yes, I understand the startup overhead, but if it can't handle a different login, useless.
  • @paxton - I realize these are separate applications, but is there any relationship between the two? For instance, is one inherited from the other? Do they share a common parent (i.e., other than SYSPROG)? I'm wondering if it would make sense to have one application alias tables from the other application or perhaps you can create another application that shares assets from both applications and configure both OECGI entries to launch into this common application.
  • Hi, Don.
    Thanks for the reply/comment.
    A reasonable approach but not possible here. The two applications were written years apart and totally different. I considered adding some of one application's functionality to the other, but not a realistic option. Originally separate URL's and separate web servers. Then with OECGI3, I could combine both apps on the same webserver using virtual hosts (Apache2.4). One application is a standard business/personal contact log written before internet days. I use it now for personal contacts, wife's recipes, hobby stuff (happyhome.org). The other is for media ownership and trading functions (thedce.com). I wanted to make use of the media library and streaming functions and bind it to happyhome.org.

    I wrote thedce.com for/with my business partner Jim Yates and he was trying to get a patent for dealing with copyrighted media, namely the idea of avoiding counterfeiting (often called piracy) of copyrighted works by anchoring a master of the work, and registering owners of copies. Sort of like what is done with stock certificates. With thedce.com, one can register their own copyrighted works, buy, sell, loan, and gift works. A copyright OWNER can use theDCE to distribut works as well.
    Ten years of development while he fought with the patent office. (They are really dense.) Judging by their objections and responses, they never really understood the concept. Meanwhile Amazon got a patent for nearly, exactly the same thing although Jim's application was filed much earlier.....oh well.

    There is an INET_ function for each application. I have arranged to call INET_DCE from happyhome.org by sending a flag on the inet calls to the DCE Application in order to return to the correct host. (happyhome.org uses INET_OZ for its calls to the ARCS applications. So happyhome has streaming video and audio. I copied some of the DCE html/css/javascript to the happhome doc root and made adjustments. I don't care about the trading functionallity. It actually works pretty well except for the occasional 1Login failed-3111. Wait awhile and it works. I guess I could buy(rent) more engines but afterall this is a hobby.

    Is my analysis of the issue correct? The idle engine can only respond to the login under which it was launched?

    Have fun,
  • Your are correct. That engine would have already logged into the database and it doesn't reset that state when it goes idle.
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