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OEngine eserver.cfg parameters
I am still a bit fuzzy on the exact nature of what some of the eserver.cfg parameters do and was chasing some clarification.
I have read the OI10 guide, OpenInsight OEngineServer Configuration V3.
It describes the parameters but doesn't necessarily fully explain them to the point I genuinely understand what the settings should be. I think it raised more questions than it answered!
I have a site we are trying to keep pretty lean. This is the nuts & bolts of the current configuration:
Based on my understanding I have set Startup Flags to 66 (from 65) to try an minimize the new engines spawned, (Note, this doesn't seem to help as I always end up with Max Engines anyway)
Is a 'Connection' anything from one source or is every request treated as a different connection?
I don't actually know how a connection gets allocated to an engine.
e.g. If MaxConnections = 0 (unlimited) then theortecially shouldn't I always get only one engine with a Startup of 66 (Lets assume a singular source and a sequential, not concurrent, request queue)? I still always seemingly end up with the Max.
What stops an engine acccepting a new incoming connection and therefore force a new engine to spin up? Is it as simple as it is busy processing another request?
I am thinking maybe I need to set Max UpTime as I end up with Max engines and they all keep growing in size in memory (many hundreds of MB each)
Maybe someone has already written a whitepaper that gives a better understanding of 'under the hood' than the standard Revelation OI doc?
I have read the OI10 guide, OpenInsight OEngineServer Configuration V3.
It describes the parameters but doesn't necessarily fully explain them to the point I genuinely understand what the settings should be. I think it raised more questions than it answered!
I have a site we are trying to keep pretty lean. This is the nuts & bolts of the current configuration:
//Use current engine if possible else new. Hide engine UI.
//Engine parameters
//Number of simultaneous connections to engine server
//Number of oengines allowed
//Max time in minutes allowed active in memory
//Max time in minutes allowed run a request before 'hung' and terminated
//Time in minutes engine can be idle
//Time in seconds between checks for idle engines and uptime/runtime
Based on my understanding I have set Startup Flags to 66 (from 65) to try an minimize the new engines spawned, (Note, this doesn't seem to help as I always end up with Max Engines anyway)
Is a 'Connection' anything from one source or is every request treated as a different connection?
I don't actually know how a connection gets allocated to an engine.
e.g. If MaxConnections = 0 (unlimited) then theortecially shouldn't I always get only one engine with a Startup of 66 (Lets assume a singular source and a sequential, not concurrent, request queue)? I still always seemingly end up with the Max.
What stops an engine acccepting a new incoming connection and therefore force a new engine to spin up? Is it as simple as it is busy processing another request?
I am thinking maybe I need to set Max UpTime as I end up with Max engines and they all keep growing in size in memory (many hundreds of MB each)
Maybe someone has already written a whitepaper that gives a better understanding of 'under the hood' than the standard Revelation OI doc?