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Copy special

Copy-special 'default' 'include line numbers'

this is what I get when I paste here. Not as nice looking as original and no line numbers
Have I missed something.


gosub doFuneralHomes
Msg(@window, MsgUp)
gosub DoContacts
Msg(@window, MsgUp)

gosub CleanUp



  • paste in a word doc and I get:

    13 mainline:
    15 gosub doFuneralHomes
    16 Msg(@window, MsgUp)
    17 gosub DoContacts
    18 Msg(@window, MsgUp)
    20 gosub CleanUp
    23 return

  • Oops, OK I see I am supposed to post it as code. Sorry, I forgot

    13 mainline: 14 15 gosub doFuneralHomes 16 Msg(@window, MsgUp) 17 gosub DoContacts 18 Msg(@window, MsgUp) 19 20 gosub CleanUp 21 22 23 return
  • Thanks for testing it!
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