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HTTP Debug not working
Having a problem with HTTP Framework debugging.
There is a longer story here but the basics are that we refreshed a working HTTP Serving Dev Env with an updated user data set.
Now we can't trigger a debug where we used to be able to :(
We are running this from the command line (as we always have)
Java -jar OESocketServer.jar -l eserver.cfg -d 3
HTTP Framework Setup - API Server Settings
Debugger Setting is "Enabled" for "HTTP_DEBUGGER_SERVICE"
If we run a procedure with no debug it reponds fine with the expected response.
If we drop a 'debug' in that procedure we get a 502 - Bad Gateway reponse instead of the OI Debugg window popping like the good old days.
What am I doing wrong/forgeotten to check?
(I have tried my own Debug Intercept procedure just to see if it hits there but no dice...)
There is a longer story here but the basics are that we refreshed a working HTTP Serving Dev Env with an updated user data set.
Now we can't trigger a debug where we used to be able to :(
We are running this from the command line (as we always have)
Java -jar OESocketServer.jar -l eserver.cfg -d 3
HTTP Framework Setup - API Server Settings
Debugger Setting is "Enabled" for "HTTP_DEBUGGER_SERVICE"
If we run a procedure with no debug it reponds fine with the expected response.
If we drop a 'debug' in that procedure we get a 502 - Bad Gateway reponse instead of the OI Debugg window popping like the good old days.
What am I doing wrong/forgeotten to check?
(I have tried my own Debug Intercept procedure just to see if it hits there but no dice...)
{We had some issues in the past where that wasn't the case when there was a OI Licence file version mismatch with actual version of the OI Application running.}
Not the case here....
That wasn't working so I changed the HTTP Framework setting to 'Intercept' and tried to use my own routine to see what I could catch. Unfortunately the fish weren't biting so I have since reverted this back to the defaults...
So for the purpose of this, just the standard debug window.
When the API is getting called, does an engine show up in your task manager? If not, then this would explain why the debugger isn't appearing.
I wasn't aware of that. Thanks for the calirifcation.
*whew*. You had me scared for a second. Yes, an engine spins up!
I had no other running instances of OI and did a call using Postman so I could clearly see the result of my request.
FYI I have already reinstalled the HTTP Framework, SRP Utilities etc. I also ensured we had no localised versions of the HTTP* procedures
(Once upon a time we had HTTP_ENTRY_POINT_SERVICES and HTTP_RESOURCE_SERVICES so I wanted to make sure that wasn't the case.)
This was the same behavior with the debug in the HTTP_MCP!!!
Getting concerned, I just triple checked the location of my Java -jar OESocketServer.jar -l eserver.cfg -d 3 call, as well as the location of the engine that got spun up wth the call (via Task Manager).
I am confident I am in the right environment!
I didn't restart my OESocketServer before every attempt so I think I was getting some cached results. Rookie mistake.
So the ACTUAL answers to your requests:
MSG() does fire in my code. Debug does not.
Debug does not fire in HTTP_MCP. MSG() does
and, just to be clear,
Debug does fire in normal SRP Editor activities...
Request Argument -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <01> HTTPQueryString : <02> HTTPPathInfo : tiles/EmployeeInfo <03> HTTPContentType : <04> HTTPContentLength : 0 <05> HTTPGatewayInterface : CGI/1.1 <06> HTTPHTTPS : on <07> HTTPAccept : */* <08> HTTPCookie : <09> HTTPFrom : <10> HTTPReferer : <11> HTTPUserAgent : PostmanRuntime/7.28.3 <12> HTTPTranslated : C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tiles\EmployeeInfo <13> HTTPRemoteAddr : <14> HTTPRemoteHost : <15> HTTPRemoteIdent : <16> HTTPRemoteUser : <17> HTTPRequestMethod : GET <18> HTTPScriptName : /cgi-bin/oecgi4.exe <19> HTTPServerName : my.domain.com <20> HTTPServerPort : 443 <21> HTTPServerProtocol : HTTP/1.1 <22> HTTPServerSoftware : Microsoft-IIS/10.0 <23> HTTPServerURL : <24> HTTPNoURLDecode : <25> HTTPResponseIsBinary : <26> HTTPRegistrySettings + RegistryInfo : SOFTWARE\RevSoft\OECGI4 EngineName : ServerURL : localhost ServerPort : XXXX ApplicationName : OPTO UserName : XXXXX StartupFlags : 65 ShutdownFlags : 1 FilePath : FilePathMapped : FileMode : 1 SysDownPage : OILocation : AdditionalValues : HTTP_AUTHORIZATION,HTTP_X_AUTHORIZATION, HTTP_DEBUG,HTTP_MEDIA_TYPE,HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING,HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET,HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE <27> HTTPOECGIVersion : VERSION:OECGI4 <28> HTTPGetString : <29> HTTPPostString : <30> HTTPAdditionalValues + Authorization : Basic XXXX X-Authorization : -Debug : Media-Type : Accept-Encoding : gzip, deflate, br Accept-Charset : Accept-Language :
So there is no response log? This would suggest that the engine is definitely failing to complete the request, which I'm certain is happening when the "debug" statement is getting called.
In the above request log post, I see "-Debug" instead of "Debug". Can you confirm that you have HTTP_DEBUG listed as an AdditionalValues setting in the Registry?
No, No response log.
this is the full Registry for Additional Values.
No difference in either of the above tests.
I was originally using our WebApp with the Browser F12 Dev Tools yesterday but I honestly find it easier for testing to just to use Postman so that is what I am using :)
Debugs removed.
Added "Debug" with a value of 1 in the Headers in the Postman request.
No change from the Postman side of things (still a 502 error).
However, it DID generate a 200 OK log entry that looks like it contans the JSON pack we want!
However, even then removing the DEBUG header in Postman keeps that same behavior (generates a OK log but doesn't show in Postman) until the engine is restarted.
Once restarted the same request is the processed OK.
I don't disagree with you about the restarting Don but experience has proven otherwise ;-)
I think I will bring that env back to my local and set it up to serve from scratch from there.
I will also test with a backup from a month or so ago.
See what happens.
I think it might be related to the Startup flags we were discussing a month or 2 back. I had changed the Statup flag to 65 as you (or rather Bryan from Rev) noted.
Therein lies my problem somehow. I changed the flag back to 66 and my Debugs all of a sudden started to work. I am about to go through the matrix of 1/2, 65/66 and see whats what.
Question though, what is the difference in the startup flags in the OECGI registry entry and the eserver.cfg?
eserver.cfg, IIRC, provides the default settings. Different clients that use the OengineServer can have their own "override" settings. For instance, the BRW uses CFG_OIBRW. The OECGI uses the Registry.
BTW, I've been traveling since mid last week and will still be out until this weekend. Thus, I haven't been able to do any local testing since you originally brought up this issue. Please keep me advised of your test results.
This is from the SRP wiki page for CFG_OIBRW. I referenced this because the OI documentation for OEngine didnt seem to really tell me what I wanted to know (with my 'Boys Look') and this seemed reasonable according to my understanding.
1 (or 65) Always create a new engine. This is the default value if this attribute is left empty. 1 = Show engine UI. 65 = Hide engine UI. 2 (or 66) Use the current engine if possible, else create a new one. 2 = Show engine UI. 66 = Hide engine UI.
What we wanted to do was to hide the engines in a Production environment (run as a service) but still trigger the OI debugger if the OEngine was run in debug mode (Java -jar OESocketServer.jar -l eserver.cfg -d 3) vi CLI.
I always wondered which Startup Flag would take priority, Eserver or Registry. I guess I thought it was the Eserver since we reference it in the actual command and are using the Ports etc. from there. However, my testing backs up your recollection about eserver.cfg being the default that will be overridden, in this case, by the OECGI4 values in the registry. Pretty much any startup flag EXCEPT 65 in the Registry triggers the OI Debug window!! I think that is weird and can't explain the logic but *shrug*.
Anyhoo, here were the results.
E.cfg Reg OI Debug work 66 66 Y 66 65 N 66 2 Y 66 1 Y 65 66 Y 65 65 N 65 2 Y 65 1 Y 2 66 Y 2 65 N 2 2 Y 2 1 Y 1 66 Y 1 65 N 1 2 Y 1 1 Y
I will have to have a think about what we want our standard Reg/CFG values to be for both Dev and Deploy environments. I might have been wrong in my reasoning to use it but 66 is looking good right about now!!
Thanks for your help Don. Enjoy the rest of your travelling :)