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Application Launcher and CPU Priority

Does the SRP Application Launcher have any facility to launch the OI instance with a eleveated CPU priority? (e.g. "Above Normal" instead of "Normal").

My first thought and initial research says no but thought I would check.....


  • Ask and you shall receive. Try

    To enable, you must add HigherPriority=1 to the INI file under the [Launcher] section. This will set the priority to Above Normal, which you can confirm in the Task Manager.
  • @KevinFournier,

    Its like you were reading my mind and just sitting there waiting for me to ask!

    Tested and it works as advertised. :)

    Thanks Kevin.
  • The purpose being?
  • @BarryStevens,

    Basically we want to try to have the OS algoritm to prioritise more clock cycles to OI as opposed to other, less important, tasks. The goal is to maintain some level of reponsiveness in program when a server is under load (and it is not easily possibly to upgrade infrastructure).
  • Wow, thanks. Never though of that.
  • Not a problem :)
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