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use of 'pipe' concatenation

I always have trouble with this and don't know where you find it in the help. What is the correct formatting for using | multiline concatenation.

Value = "Great-Uncle,Great-Grandson,Great-Granddaughter,Great-Aunt,Informant,Caseworker,Self,| Aunt,Brother,Brother-In-Law,Cousin,Daughter,Daughter-In-Law,Director of Nursing,De Facto Partner,| Ex-Spouse,Executor,Executrix,First Cousin,Funeral Director,Friend,Foster Father,Foster Mothers,Father,| Grandfather,Grandson,Granddaughter,Grandmothers,Guardian,Godson,Goddaughter,Half Sister,Half Brother,| Mothers,Niece,Nephew,No Relation,Second Cousin,Sister,Son,Son-In-Law,Sister-In-Law,Step Son,Step Father,| Step Daughter,Step Mothers,Third Cousin,Uncle,Widows,Widower,Father-In-Law,Mother-In-Laws,Step Brother,Step Sister"


  • edited September 2021
    You are using the pipe correctly, but BASIC+ will not compile literal strings greater than 256 characters. You'll have to break that line up into a few regular concatenations.

    Note also that if you indent the next line after the pipe, that whitespace will be included in the string. Actually, I just tested this, and I was wrong. I guess the BASIC+ compiler ignores leading whitespace.
  • Great, thanks
    Makes me feel better. (Just have to try and remember for next time)
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