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Capture left mouse button up for srp edit table
I am trying to capture the left mouse button up for the SRP Edit table.
I do this:
but I'm not getting the event. Is the above code supposed to work?
I am trying to capture the left mouse button up for the SRP Edit table.
I do this:
rv = Send_Message(@window:".GRD_ORDERS",'QUALIFY_EVENT', '0x202' ,TRUE$)
but I'm not getting the event. Is the above code supposed to work?
I am trying to implement a function that allows the user to drag their mouse over a bunch of cells to select those cells.
To do this, I use the onMouseMove event. And it works.
However, the grid "flashes" sometimes, and I would like to stop this. To stop this, I need to enable the onMouseMove when OnClick fires, and disable it when mouseUp fires . That way, the OnMouseMove event is only active when the mouse is in "drag" mode. This will fix the "flashing" issue.
"Now that I think about it, perhaps I can detect that directly. I will try that."
I will see how to do that.
grd_orders.OnMouseMove: cell = param1 button = param3 shift_button_down = param4 ctrl_button_down = param5 if button _eqc "left" then oryxctl_srp_grid_multiselect("update_selection_drag",grd_orders$,cell) end else Set_Property(grd_orders$, "OLE.SuppressMouseMoveEvent", true$) end return
so if the user moves the mouse but the left button isn't clicked. that means drag is over.