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Discovered the OI 9.2 SMTPmail will not work with GMAIL server, so I am testing SRP_SEND_MAIl.
My install failed to create the Insert record, but I crated it manually, OK
Two other files did not install, SRPICON.bmp (SRPICON.ico - installed ok) and SRP_Mail.chm but they are not necessary anyhow.

On first (and second) try I get this Opensight Fatal Runtime Error:

"ENG0711: SRP_SEND_MAIL line 37, Too many parameters
passed to procedure STARTDOTNET••••èöÊ▯

Here is my message and config variables:
mailmessage = ''
mailmessage <1> = subject
mailmessage <2> = sendername //i.e. info@thedce.com
mailmessage <3> = recipient
mailmessage <4> = cc
mailmessage <5> = bcc
mailmessage <6> = '' //reply To (defaults To sendername
mailmessage <7> = email_body_type
mailmessage <8> = body
mailmessage <9> = '' // An @VM delimited list of paths to files to be attached. (Full paths only. No relative paths)
mailmessage <10> = SRPMail_Importance_Normal$

Config = ""
Config<1> = SendUsing_Port$
Config<3> = 465 //port For ssl encription
Config<4> = mailservername
Config<5> = 1
Config<6> = username
Config<7> = password
Config<8> = "SSL"

retval = SRP_Send_Mail(mailMessage, Config)



  • My guess is that OI 9.2 doesn't support .NET 4.0, which is what SRP_Mail requires. In OI 9.4, the STARTDOTNET routine has two parameters, the second of which is used to target the version of .NET requested. I'm not sure when this second parameter was introduced.
  • According to the changelog, this was added in OI 9.3. Paxton, are you able to upgrade OI?
  • Hi, Don.
    Well, I am retired, been so for awhile.
    Don't mind buying your utilities but I haven't yet justified renewing my WORKS program just for tinkering around.
    I have an old application which used to work on my old ISP. I recently got Google Fiber and was checking out the new user signup part of the app and discovered that the verification email was not being sent. Took a few days to track it down to the smtpmail function in my old version of OI. The smtp.gmail.com server replied that I needed to send the tls encryption flag and port which smtpmail does not support....Thus I was testing your Mail Utility.

    Have fun,

  • @paxton - I'll discuss this with you offline. Expect an email from me.
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