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SRP_Send_Mail SMTP Error Codes

I have a user who is sending more than 100 emails and they are intermittently getting the message "There was a problem communicating via SSL/TLS" and "Server not responding". I added a delay of 2 seconds between each email and they report that they are still seeing this message. Is there any way to see the SMTP error codes in addition to the descriptive messages, which may help to pinpoint what the issue may be? This is SRPMAIL version and OI 9.4


  • Sorry, no. SRP Mail simply returns the message provided by the server. The latest version of SRP Mail leverages .NET to send emails, so perhaps you'd get more informative errors, but that too does not specifically provide error codes. I can add this feature, but you'd have to upgrade to SRP Mail 3.x.
  • Thanks, Kevin. I will look at getting them updated to v3.0.1 and see if that helps provide a more detailed message.
  • edited March 2022
    H Kevin. I have installed v3.0.1 and it appears that you must use TLS with it -- is that correct? After installing it I was receiving a "Failure sending mail" message using SSL, but when I switched to TLS it was successful. Again, that error message doesn't give any idea as to why it failed. The SMTP error code would be helpful.

    EDIT: Sorry, I now see in the documentation for v3.01 that SSL is no longer supported. The SMTP error codes would still be helpful in the error messages for troubleshooting the issue.
  • Yes, TLS is required. SSL is considered too insecure, though some server still support it for backwards compatibility. Even the .NET SMTP Client doesn't support it anymore. Sorry that the error message wasn't more helpful. I'll look into making it more informative.
  • Okay, thanks Kevin.
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