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Hola all,

Running a Fix_LH from within code as such: Call Fix_LH(table,1,0). It's not working; and checking Get_Status just shows an error of "FS"

1 is fix type for Compress; the 0 is for the lock type (don't lock the table). I get the same error if I lock the table.

Any ideas why this might be bombing out, and if there's a workaround?



  • Thanks for the information. I don't use the compress option very often but I have run into this from time to time.

    What version of the network client driver and LinearHash service are you using?

    What version of OpenInsight?

    Assuming that you are using the LinearHash service do you see any errors reported in the server's application or system event log related to the LinearHash service when the 'FS' error is returned?

    Are you trying to compress a table that is or could be in active use?

    Most people are looking to use the resize tool to rebalance the ratio of information between the LK and OV files. Compressing the OV is just a way to reclaim empty frames (disk space) if the amount of data in a table shrinks and doesn't help if the ratio of the LK to OV is not correct.

  • Hi Jared.. and thanks for the input.

    OI v.9.4.1, UD v. I get this on multiple tables; and this is a test copy with no one using the tables in question. Nothing in the error log.

    Is the "resize tool" something available with OI 9.4? Do you have any more details? I don't currently have access to the Works forum.

    My client has a pretty old system with tables that haven't been optimized in forever. In one particular process, the entire system is brought to a crawl several times a week. Some of the tables have improper sizelocks, but many have Tons of free space. My thought was that compressing could help the utilization. It couldn't hurt!



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