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database_services - debug

In database_services there is a debug if the table 'WEB_ACCOUNTS' cant be opened, GO then proceeds and all is OK. as the attach is successful.
Is the debug there to remind us to have the table permanently attached e.g. account "EXAMPLES" because we would never remember to do that. I assume there is somewhere you say ALWAYS run in 'debug mode' when you are test - to pickup stuff like this.
Or, is this just a leftover from your testing.

If TableHandle EQ '' then rv = Set_Status(0) Open TableName to TableHandle then Memory_Services('SetValue', ServiceKeyID, TableHandle) end else If TableName EQ 'WEB_ACCOUNTS' then Debug call Attach_Table('WEBAPPDATA', TableName : '', 'GLOBAL', '') Open TableName to TableHandle then Memory_Services('SetValue', ServiceKeyID, TableHandle) end else Error_Services('Add', 'Unable to open the ' : TableName : ' table in the ' : Service : ' service. Error = ' : @File_Error<1>) end end end


  • ..as you can see I have got a bit further. Gotta love postman.
  • No. This is me not being very careful to remove temporary code for testing before building the official RDK build. Please remove line 7 and 8.

    P.S. We don't use the "call" statement other than for quick test purposes.
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