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SRP editor suggestion

edited March 2022 in SRP Editor
It would be useful if when you hovered your mouse over a variable defined in an insert, SRP editor would display the value of that variable in a tooltip.

Maybe it already does this and i'm missing something?


  • Do you mean a variable set by an Equate statement?
  • Personally I would like to see equated variables in the Debugger...but that is not under our control. ;-)

    We'll look into your suggestion. If we did this, it shouldn't matter if it is in an insert or not. However, since inserts can contain other inserts (not best practice...but it is allowed), there will probably be a limit to how deep we would go.
  • edited March 2022
    I just remembered that you can have an equate statement in an if statement.

    Anyway, most people don't do that, so it would still help a lot I think, as having to hunt down the insert that a variable is in is annoying. Even just displaying and providing a clickable link to the insert would be good enough.
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