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http/json/BLOB datatype

Can BLOB datatype be handled for API to receive a photo and (convert back to normal?) and save to different folders as an image file.


  • Yes, this is doable but will need some specifics as there are subtly different ways to accomplish this. Is your API dictating how the upload should occur by the client or are you trying to make an API that is compatible for an existing client?
  • @BarryStevens - One example of how to handle this is to convert the binary data to Base64 first and then send it to the API. Look at the PUT API in the Picture_API routine for an example of how this can work.
  • @JaredBratu
    - nothing has been created - we made and enquiry to our web developer that was wonted a photo taken in our http mobile web app and if he can do it - and that was the suggestion he came back with (I was surprised he did not mention base64, so I assumed that it must be new technology - never heard of it)

    thank you, that would be something I would be more comfortable with.
    I will check it out.
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