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Cookies issue
My Test Code:
Name ='pbcdatapath'
xpbcdatapath = HTTPClient_Services('GetCookie', Name)
xMyCookies = http_services('getRequestHeaderField','Cookie')
xMxCookies = HTTPClient_Services('GetResponseHeaderField', 'Set-Cookie')
reqitry - additionalvalues has:
Re code above:
xpbcdatapath is null
xMy ookies returns correct values
xMxCookies is null , which is why dpbcdatapath is null (called by HTTPClient_Services('GetCookie')
Here is POSTMAN:
Request header:
Response header:
Am I missing something here?
Name ='pbcdatapath'
xpbcdatapath = HTTPClient_Services('GetCookie', Name)
xMyCookies = http_services('getRequestHeaderField','Cookie')
xMxCookies = HTTPClient_Services('GetResponseHeaderField', 'Set-Cookie')
reqitry - additionalvalues has:
Re code above:
xpbcdatapath is null
xMy ookies returns correct values
xMxCookies is null , which is why dpbcdatapath is null (called by HTTPClient_Services('GetCookie')
Here is POSTMAN:
Request header:
Response header:
Am I missing something here?
Does not return a value and it should
When you are programming within your own API code, stick with HTTP_Services. Use the GetHTTPCookie service. I don't blame for you being confused. The GetHTTPCookie service isn't obvious because it is a synonym to the GetHTTPValue service. But that should get you on the right path.
"...HTTP client to send API requests" ?
Sending to or requesting data from external services