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Share server and data server separated

Hi All,

I'm wondering if it is possible to deploy the general revsoft folder and oinsight.exe to an SMB share and set up the REVPARAM file so that it points to data (probably via the SHARE option) that is running on another server such that I can firewall that server and only expose port 1777 on the data server?


  • Bryan,

    Yes, that is absolutely possible. We've done it at a few clients where regulatory requirements disabled file sharing directly on the database server. If all of your data is under the root OpenInsight folder a single share in the Universal Driver's registry should be sufficient but if you have data directories outside of the root OpenInsight folder, then you'll need additional shares setup in the registry for the Universal Driver.

    Because you have an existing installation, you probably don't want to break the shortcuts and shares to the current server. The general setup steps to set this up would be:

    1) Setup a new DB server with the LinearHash service.
    2) Copy the entire application to the new DB server.
    3) Setup the LinearHash service's registry to include the appropriate share name setting.
    4) On the application server change the REVPARAM file to reflect the new DB server's name and share name.
    5) Stop the LinearHash service on the application server.
    6) Launch oinsight.exe from the application server.

    The application should launch and run normally. Since the LinearHash service is stopped on the application server, you'll be sure that it isn't using the DB files on it. Once you know everything is running smoothly, you can do a find/delete and remove all of the LK/OV files on the application server.

    You can then go on the database server and remove all non-LK/OV files and leave just the DB files.

    Users will still be pointing to the existing application server but OpenInsight will be communicating with the DB server specified in the REVPARAM name using the ShareName setting. No SMB shares are required on the DB server.
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