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OIPI Hyperlink for PDF

edited August 2022 in OpenInsight
I have a client that wants to include a Hyperlink in a PDF.

PDF output is generated in OIPI by:
Filename = 'e-OTPO Invoice':@FM: '' :@FM: 6 :@FM: 'APPDATA\PDF\I':InvFrom:'.pdf' Errmsg = Set_Printer("INIT", FileName, Title :@FM: PreviewTitle, Margins, PageSetup, PrintSetup, Port)

I can easily get a hyperlink with something like
HyperFont = "ARIAL" :@FM: 6 :@FM: "L" :@FM: 1 :@FM: 0 :@FM: 1 ErrMsg = Set_Printer("FONT",HyperFont) rv = Set_Printer("TEXTXY", "www.this_is_my_link.com", Dims, "", 0)


What they actually want is the text to say "Click Here to Pay" while pointing to the URL.

Is THAT possible?


  • rv = Set_Printer("TEXTXY", "Click here to pay-> www.this_is_my_link.com", Dims, "", 0) 😜
  • @BarryStevens

    Well, that IS pointing..
  • I don't think there is a direct Set_Printer message to do this because the OIPI itself does not support a hyperlink object the way that, for instance, Word does. You are getting a hyperlink in your PDF because either 1.) VSPDF.ocx or 2.) your PDF reader is recognizing the syntax of a URL and converting it to a clickable link automatically.

    Something you might try is to use the TEXTRTF message and pass in an RTF formatted link. I played around with this for a bit but could not get perfect results. I suspect this is a limitation in the OIPI's support for RTF. However, your mileage (or kilometers) may vary.
  • edited August 2022

    I see what you are saying about TEXTRTF. Same results here. Not quite right.

    BTW, Aren't you supposed to be enjoying some sunshine right now instead of bluelight?

  • Just got back yesterday!
  • @DonBakke.

    No rest for the wicked they say. You must have been very very bad in a past life!!!
  • @opto_will

    Does this work for you.

    HyperLink = '{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\nouicompat\deflang3081{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}}' HyperLink :='{\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue255;}' HyperLink :='{\*\generator Riched20 10.0.19041}\viewkind4\uc1 ' HyperLink :='\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1 {\f0\fs22\lang9{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK www.this_is_my_link.com }}{\fldrslt{Click Here to Pay\ul0\cf0}}}}\f0\fs22\par}' rv = Set_Printer("TEXTRTF", HyperLink, Dims, "", 0)

    What are you using to view the pdf as I only see the text, not as a hyperlink.
    Are you doing anything special to create the PDF
  • Barry - I'm pretty sure that won't work. I had already tried text that is very similar to that with poor results.
  • @BarryStevens,

    @DonBakke is right.
    I couldnt get your code to behave like a hyperlink unless I quoted the URL. The moment I did that it displayed the whole thing, not just the intended display string but it was then a hyperlink!

    That is basically where I was stuck before. I can get the text, no link, or I can get the link with WAY too much text!

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