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OIPI - latest and greatest
in OpenInsight
Does anyone know how or best way of re-install OIPI in OI v9.4.x? for whatever reason, issues w/network and OIPI came undone, when I logged in, its telling me to reinstall OIPI. Is OIPI in the OI client drivers or I did find OIPSetup.exe v5.5 in my folders, was wondering if that will work, but then I do not know what is the current version of OIPI that comes with v9.4.6. TIA.
I manually Uninstall the full Client (from the old-school Programs & Features Control Panel) before a resintall but thats just because it is my habit for everything. I am pretty sure most of the others at my end here dont do that. Are you indicating that is a needed step?
I'm unsure to what you are referring to specifically. The official instructions from Revelation have always been to manually uninstall the .NET components as those don't properly get replaced. Anything else that might get removed when you uninstall the full client is just being extra cautious.
Sorry Don, I was referring to the need to manually uninstall "Revelation Software .NET xxx Components" first. Like I said, I actually do the full uninstall but not because I actually read the instructions for that!
I dont mind the extra little caution. If it helps keeps the instructions simple.....