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Dev Menu

Hopefully this is a quick one.

Once upon a time I changed a setting in my local OI so that when I launched the Application from the Dev Menu it would remain so I could easily access DB Manager, Table Builder, etc.

I thought it might be oinsight.ini but it doesnt seem to be.
(I know I have the right file because it is the one with the handy dandy custom SRP Editor sidebar images)

I can't for the life of me remember what it was or where I came across the solution. I would apprecaite if anyone could jog my memory.

(For those in the know of my setup, this is for the old iTMS system. Opto, which uses the SRP Launcher, does this just fine)


  • Are you thinking of the /DV=1 command line argument for oinsight.exe? This causes OpenInsight to launch into the IDE which allows you to click the launch application button in the bottom left corner.
  • @JaredBratu.

    I already have that in my shortcut, along with /AP /UN /PW to automatically launch me into Dev Mode.
    Once in that menu, when I click the 'Launch App' button on the sidebar, the application loads and the Dev Menu dissapears. It only reappears when the Application is closed. What I want is for that Menu to stay visible all the time.

    Opto does it. iTMS doesn't but somehow I made it on my local instance years ago...
  • @Opto_Will - This sounds like code is running from within the CREATE event of the startup window that purposely hides the OpenInsight and OpenEngine processes. Look for calls to ShowWindow.
  • @DonBakke
    Yet again, you are correct!

    It wasn't in the Login form where I was looking, it was the FW_MAIN canvas form.
    As you indicated, it was hiding RTI_OINSIGHT (and AREV) based on the value in a table.

    Thank you both for your help :)

  • @Opto_Will - You said this was for the old iTMS system. I didn't think that system used FrameWorks (FW_MAIN).
  • @DonBakke
    You are on a roll. Right again!
    I did the automatic translation in my head to my fingertips while typing.

    It is just "MAIN". "FW_MAIN" is the equivalent Opto screen.

    Embarrassing you know my system better than I do!
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