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Saving records changes content

I was editing a record by inserting n space characters within a string and saving it.
When the record was read programmatically, the spacing didn't exist.
I re-opened the record and the spacing was still there. I added more so that there was a ridiculous number of spaces to ensure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me.
Rerun the program and the record returned with maybe 2 or 3 space characters when I had added 15 or 20 or something.
Opened the record and it still 'looked' the same as what I had entered.
Using the arrow keys to try and count the spaces found that concatenated spaces had been converted to tabs (I assume) when I saved the record.
When I edited the record the way I wanted it in the OI editor I get the result I'm after so I'm all good but wasn't sure if this was expected behaviour.


  • "Cleaning" tabs is a feature of the SRP Editor and is enabled by default. However, it is definitely a bug to allow that functionality to execute while in Record editing mode. This will be fixed right away.
  • Thanks Kevin.

    Thought it might have been a feature and I can see its value, I just happened to stumble across it in the wrong mode.
    Need to keep you on your toes, I'm sure you've got nothing better to do in this lead up to the festive season.
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