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LH Statistics (OI10) - Table attributes

Does anyone know where these 'Remake Table Attributes' values are explained.


  • Has anyone done a 'resize' on a number of selected tables and the values don't line up with the Framesize and Threshold 'defaults'
  • The Create_Table documentation has a little bit of information but the old Help file in OI 9 for the New Table dialog has more complete information:

    Estimated Data Size
    Number of Records
    The estimated initial number of records. It is not necessary that you know this number, but if you do, Table Builder will pre-size the new file for additional efficiency. The default is 1000 records.

    Average Size
    The estimated average byte size of the records in the new file. It is not necessary that you know this number, but if you do, Table Builder will pre-size the new file for additional efficiency. The default is 400 bytes.

    Frame Information
    Frame Size
    The frame size to be used for the file. See the OpenInsight's Linear Hash topic for additional information.

    Size Threshold
    The threshold (the percent of space used in the frame that will cause file resizing). See the Automatic Table Sizing topic for additional information.

    I think the Num Entries field is your estimated number of dictionary fields. There does not appear to be an equivalent entry in OI 9 so this is speculation.
  • Great, thanks.
    From your create_table link:

  • LOL....I knew I had a good reason for suspecting that.
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