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I am going to see if I can cut a long story short here.
We had an issue where a client came into all sorts of grief because the SYSLISTS REV*.OV file was like 60GB+
Turns out some of the Devs havent been using RTI_LIST("DELETE", myID) when they were putting SELECT staments to a TARGET_SAVELIST$.
OK. We can go through and fix those up.
In the process of trying to clean up the existing data though we spent a bit of time working out what the SAVELIST does.
It seems that the SAVELIST will create 3 SYSLISTS records .
That would indicate that, regardless of good practice, those W records will still eventually become quite large when they represent SELECTs with large returns.
So my questions:
We had an issue where a client came into all sorts of grief because the SYSLISTS REV*.OV file was like 60GB+
Turns out some of the Devs havent been using RTI_LIST("DELETE", myID) when they were putting SELECT staments to a TARGET_SAVELIST$.
OK. We can go through and fix those up.
In the process of trying to clean up the existing data though we spent a bit of time working out what the SAVELIST does.
It seems that the SAVELIST will create 3 SYSLISTS records .
- The 'GUID' record
- a 'Q' record that gets appended to in subsequent creations (maxed at 10 maybe?). It looks like a 'Recent' list?
- a 'W' record that looks suspiciously like the data in the GUID record!
That would indicate that, regardless of good practice, those W records will still eventually become quite large when they represent SELECTs with large returns.
So my questions:
- What are the Q and W records used for?
- What does the RTI_LIST("DELETE") not remove them as well?
- How to W records get cleaned up then?
- Is anything "important" permanently stored in SYSLISTS or can I just do a CLEAR_TABLE?
Subroutine BS_Clean_Lists(void) pfxlist = "T,W,Q,B,TCL" Open "SYSLISTS" To slFv Else Return idate = date() - 2 Select slFv EOF = 0; knt = 0 Loop Readnext @ID Else EOF = 1 Until EOF if index(@id,'.',1) then lock slFv,@id then unlock slFv,@id delete slFv,@id end end else part1 = @ID[1,"F*"] Locate part1 In pfxlist using "," setting F Then Delete slFv, @ID Then knt += 1 End End Else part1 = @ID[1,"F_"] If part1 eq "SESS" Or part1 eq "SESS2" Then part2date = Field( @ID, "_", 2) If Num( part2date) Then If part2date lt idate Then Delete slFv, @ID Then knt += 1 End End End End Else part1 = @ID[1,"F*"] If part1 eq "QUERY.TABLE" Then Delete slFv, @ID Then knt += 1 End End Else part1 = Field( @ID[1,"F."], "*", 3, 3) part1date = iconv( part1, "DE") If part1date gt 0 and part1date lt idate Then Delete slFv, @ID Then knt += 1 End End Else part1 = Field( trim(@ID), " ", 2,3) part1date = iconv( part1, "DE") If part1date gt 0 and part1date lt idate Then Delete slFv, @ID Then knt += 1 End End End End End End end Repeat return
Obviously we'd choose an appropriate time to do that, but it was the simplest, quickest way to rectify the problem and never seemed to have any ill effects.
Oddly enough, when performance was dire enough to point us in that direction, users seemed more than willing to log off for a couple of minutes and appreciative of the almost instant noticeable resolution.
@BarrySteven, Thanks for the link. Interesting read. I only have gone through it 2 or 3 times so I still have a few more before I start to understand it ;-)
Also, I appreciate the code sample. I will run it against the backup copy of the problem site I kept and see what it does for us. I wasn't aware SYSLISTS had so many record types!
We have started using Saved Lists more and unfortunately not always deleting them after use. I have now gone through our entire source and corrected that oversight.
We are also building up entries via immediate RTI_TASK_SUBMITS.
Obviously the completeion of a task doesnt clean that up, otherwise you couldn't retrieve the status.
I was thinking maybe AusMarkB's solution for Syslists might also apply to Systasks?
We have only just started using it ourselves (Immediate Task Submits) to get around a problem we encountered running some preocess via System Monitor. Thats a longer story.
Already though, I can see the residual entries stacking up so my question was pre-emptive rather than problematic.
See @DonBakke
You, sir, are a neverending source of Boomhauer memes! Always gets a chuckle :)