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Multi-byte characters affects syntax coloring

FYI, syntax coloring appears to be thrown off after multi-byte characters are encountered in the text. For example in the screenshot below, the multi-byte characters are shown boxed in green, and the resulting odd coloring effect is shown boxed in yellow:

Shown here using the 'Joker' theme (which best highlights the issue), although occurs with any theme.
(This is with Editor version, although seems to occur for any version).

Probably best practise anyway for literal text like this is to EQUate such text at the bottom of an Insert record..


  • I'll let Kevin respond to the highlight issue itself and whether this can be addressed, but I think the standard practice is to EQUate using Char() or \\. This keeps all of the characters normalized.
  • That's true, although it's just not as readable or visually obvious - which is a shame. Even as a comment, the character can throw off the coloring.
  • edited December 2023
    Can you please send me the unicode code points for these two characters? The one's I've found are in the UTF-32 code space, and I don't think that's supported in OI anyway due to delimiter conflicts. Still, send me your code points and I'll see what I can do.
  • Interesting! These are just examples (and not even finalised yet).

    ▼ is Unicode 9660, Black Down-Pointing Triangle. 3 bytes in OI UTF8 = E296BC

    🔎 is Unicode 55357 . Actually, it appears to be just this character causing the above. It appears to be a High Surrogate, used for icons and emojis? 6 bytes in OI UTF8 = EDA0BDEDB48E
    Seems ok in OI, so far.
  • These new OCXs should fix the problem. (32-bit) (64-bit)

    Just replace your currently registered OCXs with these.
  • Yeap, that's nice - thanks Kevin :)
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