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LH Service issues

Hola all,

I have a client that has some really old, really big audit tables. For one in particular, the OV portion is over 65 GB. They're running LH 5.2.

They're having issues now when the volume is accessed, it not only doesn't allow access, it stops the LH service. And many times, even if the LH is running, a LISTMEDIA doesn't return anything.

Has anyone else run into this? Any suggestions?




  • @Michael - I have not personally run into this. Others at SRP might have since we support different sites.

    I would be curious to know if you are able to attach REVMEDIA from the volume with the large OV file. If so, can you list REVMEDIA? I'm trying to rule out this being a problem with the volume itself. As it so happens, we just ran into an odd problem with a migration project where the volume is corrupt and when tables are opened it closes out of OI.
  • A Listmedia on one of the volumes in question returns nothing.

    The Revparam file is on a higher/lower(?) level in the directory structure. ServerOnly is 1, the rest of the params are right.

    For the server in question, I can log into it fine; but the tables in the affected volumes can't be accessed or even listed. When one of the big tables is accessed, it shuts down the LH service.

    Thanks, Don
  • To be clear, I asked if you could attach the REVMEDIA table, which is different from using LISTMEDIA.
  • that's a negative, Ghost Rider
  • Okay, so the pattern is full.

    How many tables do you estimate are in this one volume?
  • 80 tables.

    We're about to create new empty tables in another volume, archive what's there and overwrite. But I don't know how we'll get to what's there if need be.
  • 80...that's not really a lot. Going with the theory that the REVMEDIA might be corrupted in some way, I think it would be worth creating an empty volume, copying REVMEDIA.LK/OV over, and trying to access the volume. If you are still unable then this definitely points to a problem with REVMEDIA.

    That does not rule out a problem with your large OV file, but I am rather certain we have clients with even larger OV files and we have not seen this type of problem.

    BTW, you might also want to check the Event Viewer on the server where the LH service is installed.
  • Aye Captain
  • We ended up copying off the original big files, creating a new OI table and copying the DOS files into the volume. Everything is fine now!

    That was just weird that having a big file like that would blow the LH service. But now we know.

    The moral: size Does matter.
  • Even if you worked around the issue, I think there is a mystery here..and I don't like those because they can come back and haunt you. I still recommend looking at the Event Viewer to see what it reports. It might help you avoid the next iceberg....
  • Related to this issue, considering OI 9 is 32-bit, is there a limit to size for table files, either physically or opening to memory?

    We recently has an issue where we also managed to create a 65Gb table data file (the Syslists issue I posted here recently). It didnt blow up the LH driver but it was casuing write issues, which is how it came on our radar.

    Maybe the matching filesizes is coincidental since Don mentioned clients with even bigger files.....
  • @Opto_Will

    A trigger went off in my head regarding a data size limit patch but not sure if LH or OI9 related.
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