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Thius is not a application launcher question really, it is just the only obvious point of difference in my question.

If I start our application using the App Launcher (v1.7.2.1) in Dev mode I can open a big form, for example, in 2.5-2.7 seconds
If I start our application in User mode, it is more like 1.7 seconds.

While this is greate that the user experience is even better, my question is why? They both launch into the application using the same user. The only differnece (on the surface) is in the .ini file settings:

[Launcher] StrictSingleOIInstance=0 HigherPriority=1 [OINSIGHT] DevelopmentMode=1 HideOinsight=0 HideEngine=0

[Launcher] StrictSingleOIInstance=1 HigherPriority=0 [OINSIGHT] DevelopmentMode=0 HideOinsight=1 HideEngine=1

As you can see, Dev even is the higher priority task! Is there just that much overhead running in Dev mode and not supressing OI/Engine?
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