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SRP EDitor

edited January 2024 in SRP Editor
Is anyone else getting SRP_EDITOR_TEMP entries in deploys when adding via "Entities changed since"?
Normally it is a procedure entry proper but I have seen it as procedure debug entries and procedure executables, as well as today an Insert.

For the last several months that has popped up a few times.

I am assuming when one my other devs closes their session these temp procedures get cleaned up, leaving an orphan pointer in the repository definition. I then have to manually remove them before creating the deploy.


  • Those only get created when you are working on inherited routines. They should go away normally upon a healthy closing of each routine.
  • I always close the editor before creating a "Changed since." view when editing inherited routines.
  • Thanks for that gents.

    So does that temp file get created on file open or on changes made for an inherited routine?

    I do have a couple of inherited routines open but unchanged. Maybe that is enough if I (or someone else) adds to the deploy at that stage....

  • I'm pretty sure upon opening the routine, but I am not looking at the source to confirm. Kevin might chime in about this tomorrow when he sees this thread.
  • Thanks Don.

    Thats the behavior I am seeing so I will go with that unless someone tells me otherwise.
  • The temporary entities are created upon opening and cleared out upon closing.
  • Case closed.

    That makes me the culprit then for leaving them open when not actively looking at them during the day.
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