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Power Usage Very High When Running OI 10
My CPU will be very slow (even opening a folder will take 4-5 seconds) when I execute a program in OI 10. When I checked from task manager, the power usage is very high.
I only run a btree search then get the id, Xlate function and looping. I never had this issue before in OI 9
Is anyone having the same issue?

Thank you
My CPU will be very slow (even opening a folder will take 4-5 seconds) when I execute a program in OI 10. When I checked from task manager, the power usage is very high.
I only run a btree search then get the id, Xlate function and looping. I never had this issue before in OI 9
Is anyone having the same issue?

Thank you
That said, you might want to start testing with 10.2.2 Beta. They have made numerous changes, both with regard to UI performance and with regard to index performance. Perhaps one or both of these major updates will help you.
Yes, this is the machine that I've reported before.
I will try to upgrade my OI to 10.2.2 Beta and I will update you if this get better or not
Thank you