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SELECT_INTO has not been dimensioned or declared for use as a function or subroutine.


stmt = "LIST PEOPLE"
results = Select_Into( stmt, "JSON" )

Return 0

I have the above code in a stored procedure, and when I try to run it via System Editor, I get the error:
"B105: SELECT_INTO has not been dimensioned or declared for use as a function or subroutine."

I get the same error for a number of other functions.

I'm an experienced developer, but OpenInsight is something totally new to me.

I'm did not set up the OI development environment in which these errors occurred, but it is almost as if there are DLLs missing or something is misconfigured.

Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?


  • You need to use Declare statements for any external functions or subroutines. Click the link for details and examples.
  • edited July 2024
    I would also suggest you compile first then execute so you do not get confused between what are compile errors and runtime errors.
  • Thank you. I was missing the Declare statements. My issue has been resolved!
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