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Going to OI10

I have a client that's been in OI9.4 forever, that is now looking at porting to OI10.x. There's not going to be a lot (if any) new development; it's more for compliance and support.

Three questions:
1. Are there utilities that will port an application to OI10.x? I'm sure there will be other tweaks along the way, but it'd be good to get it as far along as possible before the tweaks.
2. Are there any landmines in porting to 10? Things that just won't work immediately upon porting, or things to look out for? We're going to have to do a Lot of testing.
3. We have a lot of SRP code and utilities in the system. Will any of those not work after porting? I'm thinking OLE stuff mostly.

Not sure exactly when we'll be doing this, but we're starting to evaluate.




    1. OI10 itself has a utility to do the heavy lifting (80%) of the initial port. Then it will be up to you to check the error logs and address the issues as needed (20%). If you have ever done an ARev 3.x to AREV32 migration, you'll be very familiar with the process.
    2. Lots of possibilities and your mileage will vary depending on what the app is doing. This is bordering on the side of consulting so I'll just give you some highlights: a.) OI10 runs with the UD5. If the OI9 system is running with UD4 then you'll want to create a copy of the OI9 system and disable the Revparam so OI10 can access the OI9 system and data files. b.) If there are any Windows API or 3rd party dependencies that are 32bit, you'll need to make sure you have a way to support them in a 64bit environment. c.) You can only migrate one app at a time, so if you have application inheritance then you have to start with the parent app and then work your way down the inheritance chain. d.) On a similar note, if you have entities in SYSPROG then those will need to be migrated first.
    3. All SRP tools and products have 64bit versions. If licensed products are being used and those licenses are expired, then that could be a problem. The license will need to be renewed so access to the current 64bit versions will be available.
  • Does anyone have an actual document or link to the upgrade/conversion/porting instructions for 9.x-to-10?

    My client is doing feasibility studies.

  • Thank you sir!
  • So my client is finally ready to do the OI10 conversion (on a test copy). I have OI10.2.2 installed and am about to jump in. I notice the first recommendation is to run SCAN_REP on the existing application. I want to run it from OI10 but scan the repository in OI9.4. Is that even an option? Or do I need to do (parts of) the conversion before scanning?

    This is the first time I've run the utility. Thanks for y'all's patience!

  • No, you must run the SCAN_REP from OI9.
  • I'll also add that dong a scan is optional. Sometimes you'll learn more by doing a dry run of the migration and rely upon the error reports it generates. Each app is different, of course, so there is no one way to do it and often there is no way to predict the best approach unless you are very intimate with the app to be an informed decision.
  • Thank you sir
  • The client has one main application with 4-5 inheriting apps. I'm assuming I need to create one in OI10 for the parent app. Do I need to create the child apps, or does the utility handle that?
  • You have to create each and every app that needs to be migrated. You need to migrate in sequence, from the app closest to SYSPROG and then down the inheritance chain.

    Note: you cannot migrate SYSPROG itself. However, you very likely have entities in SYSPROG that need to be migrated. The migration tool has a way to pick selected entities to be migrated without doing a wholesale migration of the entire app. That will your first objective.
  • Ran the conversion tool on the "main" app. It ran with a bunch of errors, as was sort of expected. But once it was done, I logged out and tried to log back in and got a fatal engine error, ENG0805, LH.DLL, GetNetworkType.

    The Revparam file for OI10 is pretty straightforward and it ran fine before running the utility. Any thoughts?
  • Do you have problems logging in to OI10 for all applications, especially SYSPROG? If the revparam file was working just fine before the migration, did it get modified post-migration?
  • I didn't modify Revparam, and it looks the same.

    I can't log in as SYSPROG or as the "new" app. The tool seems to have changed something internally.
  • You stated that you ran the tool on the "main" app. I assume this is the app that sits just above SYSPROG? I also assume that you did not do any SYSPROG related migration?
  • Right. I created a new app of the same name as in the 9.4 system. It looked like the conversion tool was working fine. A lengthy error report, etc. But once it was done, I couldn't log back into OI10. Something internally must have been altered. Now I can't even log into SYSPROG.
  • I don't have any immediate ideas as to what went wrong. I concur with your conclusion that something has changed. If this was a problem with OI9, I might have thought that the LH.DLL itself was changed to a different version. But that DLL should not have been changed. In fact, that DLL doesn't exist in OI10. It has been replaced by RevLH.dll.

    If you can't identify the issue, you might want to just re-install OI10 into a separate folder, confirm that it can launch, and then do a compare of the OS files in REVBOOT to see if anything looks off.
  • Thanks Don. Doesn't bode well. But will keep at it.
  • edited March 21
    do you have a revparam in oi10 root folder with serveronly=0 and no revparams in your data folders?
  • Barry - If the revparam didn't change and OI10 launched before, I can't imagine this would be relevant to the issue.

    ServerOnly=0 is only necessary if you don't have UD5 running for OI9 and OI10. I believe Michael's client is using UD5.
  • In OI10, the Revparam in the root looks at the UD install, serveronly=1. In 9.4 it's using pretty much the same. I didn't include any data volumes.
  • Yep, UD5.2
  • edited March 21
    Is that the oi10/oi9 $special UD or the OI10 freeby.

    what are the actual revparam values in your Oi10 and OI9
  • I would also still like to see you run with a revparam of serveronly=0, just for a login test.
  • Barry - They paid for the UD 5.

    Michael - It wouldn't hurt to try the ServerOnly=0 setting just to see what happens, but it does not solve the mystery, as I'm sure you are most eager to resolve.
  • I'm not on my client's system now.

    The revparam for both OI9 and 10 are the same.. serveronly = 1, the port #, the UD server name, secure = 0. The revparam was Not changed by the conversion tool. It looks like a change to one or more DLL's, as Don said.

    The same revparam file got me in fine on both 9.4 and 10 before the tool. Afterward, 10 can't log in. 9.4. still fine.

    I'm thinking to install 10 again and copy over DLL's

    Do I need a separate install of UD for the OI10 install?
  • Do I need a separate install of UD for the OI10 install?

    I'm not following you with this question. Are you referring to a separate installation of the UD Service or are you asking about the client drivers?
  • I'm thinking to install 10 again and copy over DLL's

    What DLLs?
  • Barry - He is referring to the LH related DLLs. This was discussed earlier in this thread.
  • My question was, can I use the same install of the UD with the OI10 and with the OI9.4? Or do I need a separate UD install?
  • I think what you are asking is whether or not OI10 can use the same UD service that 09 is using. If so, the answer is yes they can use the same service and you do not need to do any other installation. The reason the question is confusing is because you speak of a UD install as if it was a single product. However, it is actually two products, the service and the client.
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