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Drop hover
I have two trees and I am copying from one to the other.
When I am about to drop the item on the destination, the tree branches sometimes collapse automatically.
Is there setting to disable this, or is there a way to get it to avoid this.
When I am about to drop the item on the destination, the tree branches sometimes collapse automatically.
Is there setting to disable this, or is there a way to get it to avoid this.
Qualifier=1:@FM:"2*ICEPAC*OLE*":ProjectTree Call Send_Message(ProjectTree,"QUALIFY_EVENT","ALL_OLES",Qualifier) Call Set_Property(ProjectTree,"OLE.Background","Vertical(Gradient(PeachPuff,White))") Call Set_Property(ProjectTree,"OLE.DefSort","A") Call Set_Property(ProjectTree,"OLE.DefExpanded",1) Call Set_Property(ProjectTree,"OLE.DropBehavior","I") Call Set_Property(ProjectTree,"OLE.AutoDrop",0)
Plus a Drop Condition is set on the Drag from the other control.