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Closing Backstage

The backstage should minimize if the user clicks outside the backstage control, just like MS Word & Excel.



  • It appears as if the backstage is acting like a dialogbox. When opened the user cannot perform any other activity including going back to the SRP editor until you close the Backstage.
  • Okay, I finally found out what was causing it to behave like a dialog, so that will be fixed upon next release. As for your comment that clicking outside the backstage should close it: I don't see that behavior at all in Office 2013. The backstage stays open there as well. So, for now, I'm considering that working as designed.
  • There is another build available. Please let me know if there are any lingering bugs. New features will be put on hold until after we get the 1.0 version released. Download it here.
  • For example:
    If there is a QuickAccessControls containing a button that opens a window, then pressing the button, the window will open behind the backstage window and cannot be viewed until after the backstage is closed.
    I think the backstage should close if a QuickAccessControls button is pressed.
  • I can understand the need for it to close automatically in that case, but I can also think of cases where a QuickAccessControl button might want to leave the backstage up, such as an Open button. In that case, if the backstage closed automatically, the open button would have to reshow it, causing a flicker. With the current implementation, it just stays open unless you tell it to close via the BackstageVisible property. In fact, I would be interested to know if setting that property to 0 succeeds in giving you the effect you are after.
  • As per your suggestion I have made the backstage invisible if a user presses a QuickAccessControl button.
    Works like a treat.

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