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Register OCX controls

In my MAINMENU startup ssp routine I do:
utility("RUNWIN","regsvr32 SRPSubclass.OCX /s")
utility("RUNWIN","regsvr32 SRPCore.OCX /s") //Button,Hyperlynk,Picture,Statusbar,Tab Control//
utility("RUNWIN","regsvr32 VSPDF.OCX /s")
utility("RUNWIN","regsvr32 VSPRINT7.OCX /s")
utility("RUNWIN","regsvr32 scivbx.ocx /s")

When new PCs are installed and the shortcut is setup, sometimes they dont have admin rights to do Right+Click 'Run as Administrator' to get some of these controls registered.

I noticed that in my NSIS script for NEW installations these get registered ok regardless of rights. ('AllowRootDirInstall true' I assume)

Is there an equivalent I can do in this OI script.?


  • Unfortunately, an application cannot elevate itself into Administrator mode once it's already running, so your OI script is not going to work. You'll have to make OI always run at Administrator mode from Windows itself.

    NSIS works because Windows recognizes it as an Installer, and it gets Administrator opportunity upon start up.
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