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RevDotNet Releasing

I've been using the RevDotNet API's for a new project and I'm running into an issue with it not releasing memory.

I have tried calling FREE_CLASS.NET at the end of the procedure that is running, and also managing freeing as I no longer need objects.

It does appear to be resetting the dotnet object counter but the OINSIGHT.EXE process is ballooning quite badly under high object count operations and it never gives the memory back.

Does anyone have any experience with this?


  • Sorry, Bryan, but I don't have any experience with RevDotNet. Any time I need access to .NET, I tend to write my own .NET dlls and expose them as COM objects for ease of use within OI.

    If you haven't already, I recommend posting this on the Revelation forums in the hopes that Bryan can answer your question.
  • Thanks Kevin, I actually ended up switching to a COM object for reasons unrelated to this. After messing with it for a bit more it appears that the garbage collection is just very slow. It will balloon up, and if you run the same process again it will start going up and then shoot down to a normal level and start to rise again.

    It could very well be that the Task Manager isn't really giving me an accurate picture of what is going on as well.
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