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Integrating OI ClientSetup into an application Client Setup
Has anyone built a Client Setup that installs/registers both the OI Client components and SRP components in one program? Any guidelines as to the best way of doing this?
Eg, just have the installer call OI's ClientSetup.exe with appropriate command line options in silent mode; or is it easier/better to run the individual OIclient msi/exes directly without the ClientSetup.exe shell??
I'd be interested any experiences.
Cheers, M@
Eg, just have the installer call OI's ClientSetup.exe with appropriate command line options in silent mode; or is it easier/better to run the individual OIclient msi/exes directly without the ClientSetup.exe shell??
I'd be interested any experiences.
Cheers, M@
We have done this but Revelation have also published an article that can help you get there. Since OI also needs to install OLE controls, you could just use their information and include the SRP controls.
With regard to the best way of doing this I am not sure I am qualified to answer that. Hopefully others on my team who do this more often can give some insight.
Yes, I've seen those articles and am calling the ClientSetup with command line switches in silent mode from my application installer. But I wonder if there is a way to build a client setup that doesn't require access to the central OINSIGHT folder to copy the installer components (as ClientSetup.exe does).
The way ClientSetup structures files locally has got me wondering how we should structure our own application local client files to be consistent, or at least better integrate (obfuscate?) the OI files into our application.
Cheers, M@
I have been using NSIS, helped by scripts from SRP.
havent done the clientsetup silent though, would be interested to see your script line in NSIS if you use it.
Highly recommend NSIS it is great, clients just run it and OI is updated.
Yes, we're using NSIS, and worked from the SRP template scripts. So far, I'm looking at setting up a local 'C:\Vernon Systems' for all our stuff - similar to 'C:\Revsoft', and putting both the OIclient, and our own application client (including SRP controls) in there.
!define CLIENT_LOC "C:\Vernon Systems" ;* C-6028 !define CLIENT_LOC_OI "${CLIENT_LOC}\OIclient" ;* "C:\Revsoft\OIclient" ;* C-6028 !define CLIENT_LOC_VCMS "${CLIENT_LOC}\VCMSclient" !define UNINSTALLER_CLIENT_EXE "${CLIENT_LOC_VCMS}\UninstallClient.exe" ; The path and name of the installer ... SetOutPath "${CLIENT_LOC_VCMS}" File /r "${INSTALLER_CLIENT_LOC}\VCMSclient\*.*" SetOutPath "$INSTDIR" ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\ClientSetup.exe" /S /E=${CLIENT_LOC_OI}\ClientSetup.log /G=0 /A=0 /D=${CLIENT_LOC_OI}'
(where $INSTDIR is set to the application OpenInsight folder on the server. But I may change how that all works).