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where's the doco?

Call me a morron - but where's your documentation gone?
I press Sh F1 - and you take me online - what if I'm offline?

I get online - looking for doco on the use of this reporttable control - where do you start ?

I go where logic takes me:

text goes " The following tutorials will familiarize you with the SRP ReportTable Control" - well, where's the tutorials?

Either shoot me or put up some instructions for idiots that can't use your wiki.


  • Martin,

    All the documentation that was in the .CHM file exists on the wiki. So nothing has disappeared. If you think something has gone missing please notify us as to the specific article and we will address the issue right away.

    Your .CHM file still exists (i.e., we never delete it from your system) so you can still refer to it if you like. You just need to launch it yourself and do your own keyword searching. We knew that moving from to an online solution has its drawbacks, but seriously, in this day and age, it is rather rare that you will not have online access. The gains, however, are rather significant. For instance, we are now able to make corrections and updates to the docs frequently and timely. With the .CHM file, updates were made rarely and had to be managed by one person.

    As far as tutorials are concerned, you are correct that there should be some additional documentation. Again, this was absent in the original .CHM file and something we obviously have not given much attention to yet. It is our hope and goal to address this soon but we have been rather busy adding new features to all of our controls and documenting those changes. So there is a balance between putting our time toward product improvement versus product tutorials.

    We are always happy to give tips and sample code as a way of helping you to get kick-started. Just post your items here and we will respond.
  • Don, like the old street walker I've been around quite the while, so I know the benefit / diffs of online vs on PC.

    Your most sophisticated control, and you don't have an example of how to load 5 OI records into a table.

    If your .chm is local to my PC, which it isn't in this repos (possibly because I did not install the utilities into it via your .exe, rather copied from another)

    why is the first option to go to the web and not local file. But, anyway over that.

    On your online doco, I can't find the reference to SRP.ReportTable.1 to set as the 'text' value of the OI OLE control - where is that snippet?
  • Martin,

    No disrespect was meant, and I am certainly aware of your years.of experience. However, you asked the question, "what if I'm offline". Thus I responded as I saw fit.

    I would disagree that this is our most sophisticated control. The SRP EditTable and the SRP Tree control are far more sophisticated and feature filled. I might even rate the SRP Schedule control above the SRP ReportTable. Some controls require a lot of properties to be set just to get off the ground, the ReportTable (by comparison) can configured with as little as one property (ColumnList) and populated with another property (List).

    Remember, the local file will no longer be kept current. So that is why we will not default to the .CHM file.

    Finally, the landing page for all of our controls have an info box in the upper right corner. This is where you can find the Prog ID for the respective control. The SRP ReportTable control's info box shows SRP.ReportTable.1 as the Prog ID.
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